Question about Reaper...


Jan 21, 2010
Whenever I start a new project, what can I do to make it so whenever I record a track, then delete it (because I messed up, or didn't like it, ect.) it permanently gets deleted?

Every time I record something, it dumps that wav. file into my Reaper Projects folder.

It's pretty frustrating and I need to be able to find a way around this.
Personnally, i have set it so that it asks me each time if I wanna keep the take or not. I'm used to it. And when I don't wanna hit a key, I set a loop and start recording take after take automatically until I'm satisfied with one.

If you wanna clean up the session, you can do "save as" and put it in a new folder with "copy all media into folder" so that it gets all used media with it. Then delete the old folder or archive it.

But Adams thing is the solution :)
File>Clean Current Project Directory

This will let you delete every single file in the project directory that isn't currently being used.

Will it delete let's say a readme file that you put in it ? Does it deletes folders too ?

A personnal question : Is there a way to have the .reapeaks named another way or put into a folder so that it doesn't take half the number of files in a project's folder.

If you have any good tip into having an automatically organized folder I'm up to it.
I'm wondering about the reapeaks as well, i wish they would just be 'hidden' files, so they didn't confuse my eyes when scanning filez.

You can make a separate folder to store the reapeaks cache in so those files aren't cluttering up your audio files.
You can make a separate folder to store the reapeaks cache in so those files aren't cluttering up your audio files.

Yeah my ReaPeak files for every project ever are in /REAPER/ReaPeaks.

They aren't important files anyways, if they all get deleted Reaper just rebuilds them when it opens the project, it's just a cache of the waveform overviews for each item so Reaper doesn't have to recalculate them.
Marcus speaks truth. Actually since I'm an organisation freak on the computer, I'll always do sort by name, and then by type.
BTW, as we are talking about cleaning things up on Reaper, anyone here knows how to clean the "recent projects" list (File -> Recent Projects)?

I´m using Adam´s version of Reaper and there is a looong list of his projects. It´s no big deal, but it would be nice to clear that thing. I tried messing on the .ini file, but everytime that I change it, Reaper boots on the default, reversing ALL the changes (themes, etc)