Wtt Mesa triple rectifier


Mar 23, 2010
Toronto Canada
I have a mesa triple rectifier that i purchase new in sept 08 still under the transferrable warranty comes with padded cover footswitch and its cover.

Looking For a few diffrent heads

Framus Cobra
ENGL powerball
VHT sig:X or pitbull Cl
Anything interesting and high gain.
Too bad you're in Canada and i'm in Poland.

Acctualy... i think you should keep the recto, and definitly don't trade it for powerball.

Maybe the prices in Canada decieve you, but here the Powerball is 2,5x cheaper then a triple recto... doesn't add up at all
Not only that, but I would hardly consider it a fair trade. The Recto is one of the best amps ever made (imo) and the Powerball...isn't...
over here the powerball and savage are about the same price , reason iwanna trade it is one wise its just not cutting it for recording i cant get it close to some recordings i've heard other people on hear do other amp such as the mark 4 came out perfect when i've recorded other demos for friends mabey you guys could help me out or shell have to go
I wouldn't trade it because you cant get the sound you heard others get from it, as the reality is you will probably find the same with your next amp. I would kill for a triple rec, but over here its about 2700 euro, where a powerball is 1300! If you do need that ENGL sound, go for the savage. I was all set on a powerball until I read the reviews here and I ran away from it so fast. I wouldn't be too keen to trade that rectifier though, it may be a decision you regret from what I've heard about them.
the powerball isnt on the top of the list im more interested in the vht amps and the cobra i forgot to mention the savage as well ill take that before a pb

If you have problems recording the recto, you'll have even bigger problems recording the cobra, just my 2 cents

Maybe go for a 6505 + Mesa oversized cab

That's a combination that has been used in a shitload of records and always sounds great
the powerball isnt on the top of the list im more interested in the vht amps and the cobra i forgot to mention the savage as well ill take that before a pb

Good decision! The recto and savage are my dream amps! Hope it works out for you mate


If you have problems recording the recto, you'll have even bigger problems recording the cobra, just my 2 cents

Maybe go for a 6505 + Mesa oversized cab

That's a combination that has been used in a shitload of records and always sounds great

+1, or pick up a used 5150. That might also go really well with the recto and they are relatively cheap out your way
Savage is a pretty cool amp....
Powerball is worse than cancer though.

pity you aren't in Europe, I'd have some amps for you to trade.
but hinestly...I'd say spend some more time with the Recto and work on your recording skills instead...besides the 6505/5150 the Recto is one of the very best amps for recording
My problem is that I'm having trouble with getting the amp the to punch its terrible saggy in the highs nd high mids it's not because of gain is to high have the gain at 3-4 sometimes 5 and i try to keep thje volume at 5 while recording currently don't have a tube screamer heres a list of the gear im using

Art Tubefire8 firewire interface
Shure SM57
Shure Brothers Model-777s *Vintage sure from 50s-60s mabey early 70's
Unkown mic

Esp/LTD mh-1000 FR with 81 in the bridge and 85 in the neck battery is less then 3 weeks old

cab Mesa Recto Oversized with V30s

Where am i going wrong?
i've recorded a mark 4 with this same gear and it came out awesome
No Tube Screamer? The difference the pedal makes with those amps is like night and day IMO - red channel, modern, diodes/bold, Treb 12:00-1:00, Mid 9:30-10:00, Bass 11:00, Pres 10:00-11:00, Gain to taste, worlds should be destroyed :headbang:
We'll i just spent approximatly 1k just so i could buy my recording gear sm57,arttubefire and new computer new computer took a huge chuck of the money that could of went to monitors and more mics Im going to try new tubes if i can afford it and a tube screamer if that doesnt work this offer is still on the table for now i see that theres a huge diffrence in recordings and i can get a tone out this beast then I'll keep her .

There seems to be alot of love for the rectos around here when i was talking with an engineer he told me they were terrible hard to record Hardcore and Progressive stuff with :s seems a bit confussing
The only reason this became such a big deal is because i listed powerball as one of the trades it seems to have sparked outrage i'll post of clip up of what I'm talking about in a few abit