Wtt Mesa triple rectifier


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5569534/Rose of sharyn.mp3



first is 3 mics the rest are 1 Sm57 the first and 4th are just noodling badly and the 2nd is a reamp and 3rd is a riff i made just now .

I've showed a friend these clips minus the Rose of sharon reamp and hes told me that my amp sounds Broken ... and that it needs to be taken into service but i just think hes insane he tells me that other 3 chanel rectos sound diffrent and better obviously this amp isnt broken
WAY too little gain on the Rose of Sharyn one, that's definitely holding it back, but it has potential - but man, a TS7 with drive 8:30, tone 11:00, level 12:00 will make it boner-city (and definitely stick to getting good tones from 1x 57 IMO before moving on to more than one mic, let alone 3)

Third sounds like the presence is too high? (or maybe treble, but I'm thinking pres)
i turned the treble up to try and get more crunch at the lower volume also on the rose of sharon the gains at about 1:30-2 idk how its undergained

also those TS clip even the one without it on is kinda tone want outa this amp Reminds me kinda of the framus cobra hnce why im looking to trade for one
Definately get a Boost. I use the MXR GT-OD and love it.

I find the Recto so much easier to record than the Powerball or the Cobra.

that's why I've sold both and selling the 5150 I have now so I'll only have the Mesa left. (needs monies :()
yeah, what everyone else is saying. you are underestimating the importance of a tubescreamer. 90% of the people here use them in front of any and every amp, and pretty much everyone agrees rectifiers need it more than any other amp.

BUT I wouldn't say everyone here loves rectos... from what I've heard Andy hasn't really been digging his recto lately, because it always loses to other amps when he's trying out amps for reamping and so he's been thinking about selling it... I think Nevermore's TGE was the only album he has used it on. Is that right? probably has something to do with the fact that Loomis played rectos at the time...

I've heard recto tones I like, but I usually prefer 5150.
Just a word of advice to the OP:

This is not harmony central: Lasse is just one example of a very regular poster here (and now mod:)) who is a highly experienced professional recording engineer and has produced some brilliant work. When they say it's a good amp, you can really trust their opinions.
Yeah dude i got rid of my triple rec a while ago and regretted it like crazy. and i got lucky and got a killer deal on a used recto and it is one of my favorite amps in my collection. And a tubescreamer is a must with almost all mesa heads. Trust everyone's words on the tubescreamer thing. i love tubescreamer's so much i own 7 different boost pedals haha
After failing at getting a good tone out of the Powerball for months, I got my self a Recto(2010) instead and got a great tone first time i tested it.
I have to agree with the other guys here. You will regret trading the Recto for a Pball...