Wusik Group Buy 2010


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
While synths may not play a role in many of the people's music that post/visit here regularly, I've seen several that do have at least a passing interest in audio synthesis so I figured I'd post about a group buy going on with one of my favorites - WusikStation.

William is offering a good group buy between now and January 2nd, 2010 in which he is offering up to a 50% discount dependent upon the number of participants. See here.

WusikStation was one of the first vsti synths that I bought back in 2004 and have loved it since. It's been upgraded several times, each time with William adding more and more capabilities. He is one of the most responsive developers out there in both adding functionality and in the support of his products.

Take a listen to the samples at his site or watch the videos/tutorials he has posted about WusikStation - it truly is an amazing synth.