Wuthering Heights - Far From The Madding Crowd


Apr 29, 2001
Long Island
The new singer Nils Patrick Johanssen is the next big name in metal vocals. This album is over the top. Coming out in 2004. Check it out if you like epic power metal. These guys most likely beat Blind Guardian and Rhapsody at their own game right now.
FINALLY someone else that likes Wuthering Heights! :tickled: I'm occasionally pimping them on different forums but no one else seems to have anything to say about them. I have both Within and To Travel Forevermore, and both KICK. They're one of my favorite bands. And honestly, I don't see how they can even be compared to Blind Guiardian and Rhapsody...their style is no where close to either of theirs.

And there's a NEW ALBUM coming out??? :D Oh yeah, this is good. :Spin:
NotasHolyasThou said:
They're one of my favorite bands. And honestly, I don't see how they can even be compared to Blind Guiardian and Rhapsody...their style is no where close to either of theirs.
Good!!! Because I HATE those bands with a passion. I'll definatly will check out the new Wuthering Heights!
I ordered this album from The End, $12. Now I just need to get the singer's other band, Astral Doors - Of The Son And The Father..
Patrik Johansson also sings on the Space Odyssey----Embrace The Galaxy...disc...he is awesome...
I don't understand why BG and Rhapsody must always be mentioned in the same sentence, but anyhow; Wuthering Heights are an awesome band imo, and could indeed be compared to BG somewhat, like a mixture of old BG (the speed metal element) and new (the symphonic elements), but Wuthering Heights are far more folk oriented. They're probably more akin to Elvenking in that respect. They're great in any case, with good lyrics, terrific songwriting, and with balls.