Wuthering Heights - "Salt"


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I was surfing through my usual online sellers when I found that Wuthering Heights had a new album released. I was part pissed (because I didn't kew about it) and part excited because both FFTMC and TSC are most excellent releases. So I broke my own rules and did a blind purchase along with the new Astral Doors (which I did listened before, so-so).

Well, it arrived today and I must say that since its beginning totally blew me away. Unlike the new AD (which is kind of repetitive from its predecessors) the new WH it's fantastic. No they hadn't changed the formula but they still know how to make it feel fresh. To me it sounds way more to FFTMC than to TSC, which of course it great in my book, catchy tunes, awsome changes, a great folk atmosphere, terrific melodies. Undoubtedly (and I'm barely at 4/9 of ths album) one of the best releaes of the year. Highly recommended :headbang:
Didn't realize they had a new album out. I thought they had disbanded, but I guess not. Will need to check this one out.
I'll have to check it out also. I didn't care for The Shadow Cabinet too much. Can't explain why. Something just didn't click for me but I'll give the new one a try.