For drummers and fans of extreme drumming, check this out...
From the Forums...
"Ask HellHammer" (yes, THE Hellhammer!)
"Ask Asgeir" (as in Asgeir Mickelson of Borknagar, Spiral Achitect and the Ihsahn solo album)
I think this is really exciting because I've always been a big Borknagar fan and Asgeir is probably my favourite metal drummer out there. As far as I know, Asgeir plays drums in various bands and projects as well as he played bass on the last Borknagar album, plays guitar in a few solo projects, owns a studio and has recorded such projects as the newest Solefald album, does some album cover and layout design, some website design, etc...etc... So anyway, he's a really talented, knowledgeable and (surprisingly) modest guy and thats a great combination for someone with a Q&A forum like this!
Go check out those forums, maybe ask the guys some questions!
+ If you donate $20 to the site, they'll hook you up with an "" T-shirt.
From the Forums...
"Ask HellHammer" (yes, THE Hellhammer!)
"Ask Asgeir" (as in Asgeir Mickelson of Borknagar, Spiral Achitect and the Ihsahn solo album)
I think this is really exciting because I've always been a big Borknagar fan and Asgeir is probably my favourite metal drummer out there. As far as I know, Asgeir plays drums in various bands and projects as well as he played bass on the last Borknagar album, plays guitar in a few solo projects, owns a studio and has recorded such projects as the newest Solefald album, does some album cover and layout design, some website design, etc...etc... So anyway, he's a really talented, knowledgeable and (surprisingly) modest guy and thats a great combination for someone with a Q&A forum like this!
Go check out those forums, maybe ask the guys some questions!