www.foreststream.net update

Awesome pics man, did you take those?

I see you had yourself a picture with the boys at the end, very cool!

So who's who?!?

I know Sonm is the singer, is Omin the guitar player that looks kinda like Samoth with the Jackson V? Or is he the fuzzy haired dude with the warlock? And was that Mighty Kir on drums?!? You know, Im High and Mighty as well, and guess what my name is...Kirill!! Yep, that's right, only I don't play the drums :(.

Anyway, sorry for the shit questions, but I must know!
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
As I thought, thank you for clarifying that!

Anyway, Omin, glad to see you strutting the Jackson V!!
Thanx! I played this guitars at the second time - some song i played on it for the first time! It is rather interesting feeling when your hands are not used to play on new guitar neck...

And, it was Randy Roads but not V!
Well, tih snayish shto ya imel vidu!!! (understand?)

I play a Rhandy Rhoads too!!! They are very comfortable to play standing up, but sitting down is a whole other story hehe. Though you get used to it.

But how do you like it so far? I always thought that if you are playing metal, this is the guitar to do it with! If you ever come to play a show in Colorado, we will (if you allow) open up the show for you guys, and right on our last song you come out and we'll do a solo battle with our RR guitars, what do you say? Or maybe play on some great 80's metal song!
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Well, tih snayish shto ya imel vidu!!! (understand?)

I play a Rhandy Rhoads too!!! They are very comfortable to play standing up, but sitting down is a whole other story hehe. Though you get used to it.

But how do you like it so far? I always thought that if you are playing metal, this is the guitar to do it with! If you ever come to play a show in Colorado, we will (if you allow) open up the show for you guys, and right on our last song you come out and we'll do a solo battle with our RR guitars, what do you say? Or maybe play on some great 80's metal song!

haha fly me out there and i'll battle you guys on my new PRS :worship:
:))) Jamming always sounds good!!! :))))We just have to start touring that's it!
Black Tears said:
haha fly me out there and i'll battle you guys on my new PRS :worship:

Hahaha, you bastard, we will stab your eyes out with out pointy guitars, take away your expensive PRS, sell it, and get real good amps and effects!! Maybe some cd's and DVD's too, ya know those PRS's will run ya pretty high these days! Have a pic? They are definitely beautiful guitars that I love to spend hours on when visiting the local Guitar Center!
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
They are definitely beautiful guitars that I love to spend hours on when visiting the local Guitar Center!

Haha, I hope you start to play Stairway To Heaven every time. "What, no Stairway... DENIED!!!"

Yeah, hahaha. Funny stuff.

No, Omin, we will play Megadeth's Hangar 18, with solos and all, my friends say I do a killer Mustaine impression!!! Like Marty and Dave in the 80's we will shred!!
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Hahaha, you bastard, we will stab your eyes out with out pointy guitars, take away your expensive PRS, sell it, and get real good amps and effects!! Maybe some cd's and DVD's too, ya know those PRS's will run ya pretty high these days! Have a pic? They are definitely beautiful guitars that I love to spend hours on when visiting the local Guitar Center!

oh...it was quite expensive... :ill:

I don't have a digital camera so i can't post any pics yet, i have to wait for my mom to get her film developed or for a friend with a digital camera to come over :)

Heres a description though...whale blue, real silver hardware, abolone bird inlays, AAAA ebony tuners, Piezo bridge pickup...

tis a nice piece of work :D