X Keys


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
Anyone ever tried those ?


Basically these are customizable keyboards, where you get the unit, keys that you can change, including putting a flat "no key" if you wish to separate groups of keys, you can interchange them with the tools given (what I mean is that you're not set with what you buy, you receive the thing and then do what you want with it), create your own little key icons that you can put inside them since they are transparent, you can also have colored keys to say have a color code, or have the "record" buttons in read, whatever floats your boat.

You have a software to map any key to any combination of keys or macro of keys from the standard keyboard or the standard characters.

The goal here -> Being able to have you own little controller with only the functions you want of your Daw, to your own desire, with ergonomic pictures instead of letters if you take the time to do them yourselves. There are even nudges and stuff like that but I don't know anything about the quality of these.

It looks super cool to me, anyone knows if there is a reason why it is not more popular ?

Possible result