Whether the technology's good or not, I call bullshit on all this kinect move and wii shit.
You know what draws me out of a game more than any game breaking bug or glitch or shitty combat system?
Motion controls. The shorter the gap between my brain and the game, the better.
If you think "hey I'll press a" and you press a with your goddamn thumb, that's fine.
If you think "hey I'll press a" and youre wanting to swing your sword or some shit, but you gotta flail your goddamn arm around like you're having an epileptic fit for it to register what you want to do, you're being drawn out of the game and more into your living room.
Personally, when I play video games, the living room is the last place I want to be mentally, I wanna get dragged in, chewed up and spat out again before I know what's hit me. Motion controls go totally against this. And yeah, while Resident Evil 4 Wii was probably one of the best examples of how motion controls could enhance a game rather than be a detriment to its quality, it's one out of hundreds, and from what Kinect's and Move have shown so far, we're not moving backwards or forwards with this motion control shit, just moving totally sideways while these console developers waste their money on gimmicks and petty technological "advancements" rather than focusing on the things that need to be improved with games, like storytelling, writing, voice acting, immersion, depth, yknow, the things that make you want to come back and replay it the moment it finishes?
Aside from replaying RE4, I have absolutely no reason to turn my goddamn Wii on and the only shit I have been playing lately is PS1 stuff, such as the first Silent Hill and Abes Oddysey, games that were made with technological constraints forcing some extra creativity.
On the subject of constraints forcing creativity, it's funny, the director of the first Saw was going on about it in some making of on a dvd, about how they filmed the first movie in a strict time limit and on a shoestring budget, and it forced them to be more creative, more vague, more, dare i say it, hitchcockian about the whole affair. I mean saw is in no way some form of masterpiece (cheap, stupid, dumb fun for 3am drunken braindead fodder, sure,) but the guy has a point. Look at the budgets these new games have, and for what? Shinier graphics? That's where it all goes. Fuck the graphics and the gimmicks, give me a better GAME. There's a reason counter-strike is still widely acknowledged as one of the best games ever, same goes for quake 3, same goes for the first goddamn mario brothers game, it's because they were good games and not good tech demos.
rant over ^_^