xfer: 28 Days Later alternate endings opinion(spoilerz)


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
i rented it over the weekend and watched all the endings.

actually before that i watched the movie again drinking a bottle of wine throughout it and i must say that the movie is even more impressive the second time around.

as for the alternate endings, i agree with you that really they chose the best ending to be in the movie. i noticed that the other endings seemed to compromise the character development from the movie like the one where Jim dies and in the end Hannah and Selena are crying but Selena toughens up and returns to her cold stature from the beginning of the movie which I guess could work in a way but i would have not enjoyed.

also the "radical alternative ending" had some cool ideas i thought, such as keeping the cast down to just a few main characters like danny boyle mentions in his prelude to it, and also i liked the idea of the very last scene with Jim strapped to the table watching the atrocities like the monkee. But i agree with danny boyle in his commentary that the idea of the transfusion-as-cure just demanded too much from the audience for believability and was very flawed.
I didn't see the radical alternative ending thing! I feel ripped off. The DVD menu was so hard to navigate and figure out what was included.

I wonder if I would have liked a fourth ending, in which Jim died in a different way, better. I think the drawn-out, pointless death in the hospital just wasn't the way to go. Like, if Jim was eaten by a zombie, would I have liked it better, or would it have seemed gratuitous?

Cube had a low-to-nil survivor ratio (I'm not being more specific in case you haven't seen it, but there's caveats to that statement), and I know a lot of people faulted it for that. But, fuck, more movies need to have depressing death-filled endings.
I bought the DVD, but I haven't watched the radical ending thing yet. I might go do that while I eat lunch in a minute.
I kinda liked the storyboard radical alternative ending, though I can't say for sure how it would've worked out had it actually been shot. It was an interesting idea at least.