xLooking Forwardx - The Path We Tread


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
xLooking Forwardx – The Path We Tread
Facedown Records – FR049 – November 8th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


I have a complicated relationship with hardcore punk. We used to room together in college, but he kept borrowing money from me and never repaying. So I had to kick him out and tell him to leave me alone. But he keeps returning. This time he’s in the form of xLooking Forwardx, who just released The Path We Tread, which is their sophomore shindig.

I imagine fans of hardcore punk getting along with this well enough. After all, the message-charged xLooking Forwardx – sounding akin to Stretch Arm Strong – aren’t really irksome in the least; but as I said, this particular style just doesn’t appeal to me. It’s not like The Path We Tread is devoid of praiseworthy moments, though, as the production is great and steadies cool, instrumental parts in songs like “Heroes of Your Revolution” and “I Ain’t Mad at Cha.” And actually, the best parts are the instrumental passages when the riffs shine and O’ Brien (not Conan) is left is incorporate the China cymbal. Sporting nineteen songs that run about half an hour, The Path We Tread is an exercise in rehashing the same old stuff we’ve heard before, in spite of its personality. As an aside, the band has within their ranks two Chaillous (vocals and guitars, respectively) and two Kevins (bass and drums, respectively), which likely makes for confusing-yet-comical situations.

If anything, xLooking Forwardx are enthusiastic about what they’re doing, and it’s not as if The Path We Tread is bad per se. It’s the simple fact that I’m not entranced with this style, and that this record’s been written a thousand times over. Hardcore punk fans will brush up against this, undoubtedly, but I’ll kindly limit my selection to more alluring albums in Facedown’s back catalog. I now hate the letter “x” by the way. Thanks guys!


Official xLooking Forwardx Website
Official Facedown Records Website