Xmas + New Year (hogmany to the scots)


Nov 25, 2002
Glasgow Scotland
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Whats everyone doing??
On xmas day I am doing the usual family thing, pulling crackers, eating lots and then sleeping!!
My family are having a bbq on new years eve though, Arrggghhhhhh!! Its bloody minus 4 outside!! well after a few wee bevvies i dont think i will feel the cold!!

Whatever you do I wish you all a merry xmas and happy new year!! :)
today I work (I'll say this in 24 hour) from 1500-2330. and it's pretty much that until tuesday I work 1000-1830. then finally christmas. ad I'm off christmas and the day after.
I'll wake up and open gifts with my fiance. then we'll go over to my mom's and give her her gift then we'll trek out to my aunts house and open gifts with my fathers side of the family. (he's deceased).
I hate working retail around the holiday's you get to see the very darkside of this time of giving and happiness....
I lost all interest in Christmas from about the age of twelve. All of a sudden I was supposed to buy presents as well as receive them, well I can tell you, that took all the fun out of it..........

I shall be borrowing a load of weird and wonderful metal albums from my friend mr. mindmorgue, which I shall play christmas day. I shall then choose my favourites and purchase them in that huge mosh pit that some people call the January sales.......

Lets not forget the true meaning of these holidays, that includes you Dutchy and Buddy, two of the best posters here. C'mon guys....its Christmas:grin: :grin:


so..what you all bought me then???

:grin: :grin: :grin:
pulling crackers, I think you might want to define that for your American friends Lainypie. I know what your talking about as I work in a store that sells them but I bet that a lot of folks have no idea what your talking about.
well lainy,its summer in australia and i will be stoking the bbq and sinking a fair few beers!!!!!!!!!

hope u all have a great xmas

beer all day and whiskey all night long
Hey Louse, how is MindMorgue? He hasn't been here in forEVER.

We're doing the morning Christmas thing here with the kids, then going to his mom's to open presents and then to my mom's to open presents and then we're coming back here and making our own dinner which everyone is pissed at us for but oh fucking well. :grin:
Mr. Mindmorgues fine, but he moved in with his girlfriend so he's become all domesticated now....carpet slippers, pipe, that sought of thing...arrgghh the ravages of age,makes you do stupid things.

I see you've dropped the "body" part of my name, does that mean I can call you "Princess" or is that just way too informal and ever so slightly creepy........ :grin:
It's not age, it's being in love. It's not our fault you guys fall into what we have going on and then complain to your friends that we're taking over your lives. :p

As for your name, I've called your "Louse" for months, you can refer to your own Thrax Squad story (and where is part 2 by the way??? :p ) for that one. You can call me whatever you want. I'll let you know if I'm going to quit the band over it.
Hhhhmmmm.......maybe I'm just jeaLOUSE(ugh) of mr morgue...

Everythings ready, we just need the vocals and none of your having a baby excuses this time......:p

Just got to type part two up....you and Thraxdude star....I promise (and I never break a promise) I'll send it dude new years day :grin:
Originally posted by Bodylouseuk

Just got to type part two up....you and Thraxdude star....I promise (and I never break a promise) I'll send it dude new years day :grin:

All right. It's a promise. It's in writing!:grin:
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
pulling crackers, I think you might want to define that for your American friends Lainypie. I know what your talking about as I work in a store that sells them but I bet that a lot of folks have no idea what your talking about.

I'll bet it's some sort of racial slur.
Dudes and ladies. I made X-mas an overweeklong extravaganza. Last Wednesday, took my special education students to Columbus' downtown City Center Mall for a field trip (and I got all my shopping done!) Thursday; staff X-mas party, lot's of Merlot at my table for my date and I!!! Friday, last day of work for a while, so we did the "pizza party" and movie (Gremlins, a yule tide classic!) Saturday, went to Pittsburgh, hopped on the USS Requim submarine and saw Star Wars Imax w/ my buds. Sunday, did the gift thing w/ my neices and nephews. Monday went out to eat with a girlfriend, then went barhopping. Tuesday/X-mas eve, opened gifts w/ mom and dad, drank "punch" with my family, stayed out all night w/ my cronies. Today, family meal, Lakers game in the hottub w/ some of my "ladies" Tomorrow, visit aunts and uncles, go see Gangs of New York. Friday go see LOTR II w/ the passes I got for X-mas. Saturday, afterX-mas sales (still need a new wallet and tie bar) Sunday: Riverfront stadium gets blown up!!! I love X-mas. The rest of the break I will just lay around watching movies and pampering myself with after X-mas sales. I never go all out on New Years, I'd rather just get a couple of buds together and cook out, we'll see.