Yamaha HS80: Using both inputs possible?

Aug 9, 2010

simple question but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. For my setup I need to use both of the inputs of my HS80, cause I'm having too seperate signal sources. (One 5.1 and one stereo source). But of course I won't use them at the same time.
So is it possible to plug all cables in both of the inputs without getting any trouble?

Thanks! :)
Ok, when I plug in cables in both inputs, the volume level reduces about a half. In addition to that, the volume gets PRETTY low sometimes without any reason. After a few seconds (about 30) the volume jumps back up with the sound being distortet for another 3 seconds. This doesn't sound healthy... =/
Whats strange is, that this happens with both monitors at the same time!