
Originally posted by rahvin
what that newbie's just done :p

What newbie? What did I miss now, I actually had to work, luckily my vacation starts on wednesday, I couldn't take more in that mad house.

Grats for being a :Spam: master :lol:
and on top of that your up to 3106? YOU POSTED 106 TIMES IN ONE DAY? You sick fuck! :eek: :lol: ;) Congrats

F_V (starting to feel like posting again now that Thanatos is catching him :mad: )
I just found this in another forum :lol:

Thanatos (tha na TOOS)


Without consort, Night, the destructive, brought forth a horde of villainous immortals. Thanatos was one of that wretched lot.

Night’s offspring are described as: horrible, painful, cruel, brooding, mocking and malignant.(Theogony, 212). (The one exception is ’loving Affection’ who is placed between Deception and Old Age.)

Thanatos might be poetically called the brother of Sleep and the son of Night but no matter how you describe him, he is a creature of bone chilling darkness. From on high, Helios never casts his light on Death (Theogony, 760).

Sleep goes kindly among the mortals but, his brother, Death has a heart made of pitiless iron. When he takes hold of you, the world of light ceases to be.
Now THAT Thanatos is truely cool, unfortunately it doesnt speak of the scary mexican Thanatos that prays upon these forums......here he comes again! :eek: ;)
Originally posted by Thanatos
horrible, painful, cruel, brooding, mocking and malignant.(Theogony, 212).

that's really thanatos in a nutshell. :D although i never thought of him as "theogony", but then again, my vocabulary has its limitations. ;)

it's funny that the only one to get my title right was Salmy ( :lol: ) as for the meaning of Theogony, think of something bigger and with more testosterone than a pizzone :D