YEAH!!! A Maidens SoCal SHOW!!!

I'll be in San Diego 2 days before that for the Rush concert, I'll have to extend my stay. :headbang:

So we finally get to see the new vocalist, I don't think she is even mentioned on the website yet.:wave:
I used to be a big time Mountain Dew drinker. At one time I think I was up to a 12 pack a day. Now its a 16 oz bottle of Sprite that lasts all day long! Yea for no caffine! It seemed to really cut down on all the migraines I was having...

I really have to be in the mood to consume alchohol, though a Corona with some Mexican food is about as good as life gets! Or at least when I am not doing other things, which I will not go into detail here......But thats cool that you don't drink. I always had fun messing with the drunks at parties when I was the sober one, they are just so easy to screw with! I made a drink for a freind of mine who was extremely drunk once. I called it the "Black Jack". Basically is was Jack Daniels and chocolate milk. Oh what fun I had....