Year Zero


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Well this will be about 4 of us having a discussion, ignoring interrupting opposition, but anyhow.

I've listened to it about 10 times now. It is really good. With_Teeth was too basic for me, even if I absolutely loved Sunspots and Beside You in Time, both of which quickly rocketed toward Best NIN Ever status. They were incredible on that tour as well, so it's not like I cried like a bitch about how things used to be, and Year Zero shows that it was just a bit of a down point on the overall scale anyhow.

So this new one is noisy, well thought out, a bit political, and just plain good. I have not noticed moments of supreme brilliance just yet, but nearly every track is solid all the way through. I'm impressed, and more importantly, happy. :)
I'd start the interrupting opposition, but someone has yet to agree with you so I can interrupt something.
i didn't like with teeth, but year zero is just really fucking awesome. their best since downward spiral, IF YOU ASK ME.
I've actually determined I need to buy this because the bits I've heard have actually caught my attention more than the previous release did. I dunno, even relistening to that one, I'm starting to rethink my position on it. Guess I'll be buying this today.
NINN kinda lost me on With Teeth - I have literally everything they ever released up to and including The Fragile, and after that I kind of drifted. I've been hearing a lot of good things about Year Zero though, and I've got tickets to see them in August, so I'll probably pick this one up.
with teeth was crap for the most part, his only stinker album so far. Year Zero is back on track and top notch.
with teeth was crap for the most part, his only stinker album so far. Year Zero is back on track and top notch.
I've actually determined I need to buy this because the bits I've heard have actually caught my attention more than the previous release did. I dunno, even relistening to that one, I'm starting to rethink my position on it. Guess I'll be buying this today.
I revisited With_Teeth and I couldn't even make it to the good songs at the end. Very bland stuff.

I also just found out that the original Broken Movie is available en la intarweb somewhere, so I'll have to do some snooping, pooping, and then maybe some drinking just keep up with the -ing theming.
good record ... but nothing new or exciting ... rehashed formula delievered with conviction
It's a bizarre album, but I like it. Don't think I'd go and buy it though, I can't see myself playing it more than once in a blue moon.