Year's End Greetings from DG / This Forum in January 2008...

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
In January 2008, as well more feedback from the WoY cult masses, this forum will be full of insights from myself and the band on the writing and recording of W3, including a 'Q & A' thread and a thread for me to elaborate about the stories that inspired specific lyrics from the new album. Until then, the 'DG-pod' is loaded with new music I haven't yet heard and I will be taking it with me on a much needed, (self-proclaimed) well deserved and definitely hard earned (dare I say it?) holiday, far, far, far away from anything and everything familiar. The end of the year is always a good time to reflect on the past and dream of a better future. I speak only for myself here when I say that 2007 was an absolute, pure, fucking hell for me, for many, seemingly endless personal reasons. Just as things were finally looking up for us, it just somehow, totally unexpectedly became one of those years where things could only get better from where we ended up. We could go no lower. I am comfortable mentioning this here because in my opinion, when you make music as artists, your personal life does become part of the story weather you like it or not, especially in a band such as Woods of Ypres who has always been about expressing the feelings of real life. Real life is the reason this band was ever founded in the first place. We have lived for "The Thrill of the Struggle" and in some ways, buried the conceptual direction of the band with Woods III, with closure and a giant gravestone on the cover. Grim. It's funny how things go. When writing these songs, I never thought I would be prophesizing so many unfortunate events that somehow came true in real life just as the album was being finished. I still can't believe it, actually. In the past I have always said, and believed that what was bad for my personal life would usually be good for the band, somehow. Time will tell if that will continue to prove to be true in the future, and hopefully some light will be shed in concluding if that statement was ever actually true in the first place. Looking ahead, I can only imagine us writing about new growth and renewal in our next, new direction. "The Dream is Dead", it's true, so now we simply need new dreams. Until then we will be promoting "Woods 3" for the whole year of 2008 whilst considering many new ideas for the future. 2008 will still be the year of the WoY.

And so, here's to change, new beginnings and a better life for all of us in 2008! If you are happy and thankful for where you are already, please count your blessings and appreciate it for all it's worth. I hope to join you in that feeling myself one day. Thank you for all your support and patience in 2007 and before. On behalf of the band, we wish you all the best!

AN UPDATE ON WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR: CDs are in and will be shipping in the new year. + If you hadn't seen it already, here are links to download the album right now, in full (these links limited to 100 downloads, so get it while it lasts):

Woods 3: Side One

Woods 3: Side Two

We hope you can enjoy W3 over your winter holiday. Despite all the hints and shadows of 'the inevitable end' within the songs, we hope listening to it brings something positive to your life. Be well my friends.

Surviving, alive and still thrashing,

David Gold - \w/

Damn, that was deep. Not enough bands open up to their fans like this, hopefully you'll have a better year. To Woods!
So this is going to be a 2008 release?
Thats awesome.

Definitely will be in my top 10 for 2008.
From the songs I have heard, I'm quite positive.

Downloading the album now.
Thanks heaps guys.
I look forward to receiving it soon in the new year. =]
To Woods Of Ypres:kickass:
All your hard work on this album was definitely worth it.
I can't wait to see what's in store for Woods in the future.
Thanks Dave, you rule! Hope the band has a happy holiday and good luck in 2008. Looking forward to getting the real thing soon.
They're all there- just Deepest Roots and Darkest Blues is combined as one track.

Thats just what I was gonna ask.

But anyway, a big gigantic beer up in the air to you all. :kickass:

I'm only a few songs into the album, and its already the best thing I've heard in a long while. When I preordered the album, I was already excited. Now, about a year later, I can say that it was definitely worth the whole wait. I think the only think that can describe how I feel about the album is this:


Edit: Whoops, forgot the other reason I posted this:

Any word as to when Lyrics will go up on the official site? The words were part of what made Pursuit the most played album in my iTunes, I'd really like to be able to go over the story of this one in detail too.
God! Already to the download limit? Well... I guess I'll have to wait for the disc to get here... I was looking forward to listening to this on the road tonight! Argh!!
Already at the download limit for the first half. I refuse to listen to any more songs until I can listen to the CD in full.

:kickass: But here's to Dave. Life is all about experiences and lessons learned, be it good or bad. Though you may have had a disappointing year, it's something to look back and reflect upon.

I sincerely hope the new year is better for you. With WoY's brainchild marking the beginning of 2008, it seems like it might be a pretty great year.

I'd also like to take the time and say thank you for your persistence and patience with Woods of Ypres III.
No biggie. I can wait a while more. Almost at the 1 year anniversary :)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing the next one (Woods IV)if it is going to be inspired by at least 1 major experience I have in common with Mr. Gold.

God! Already to the download limit? Well... I guess I'll have to wait for the disc to get here... I was looking forward to listening to this on the road tonight! Argh!!
What a frickin sweet post. Seriously David, maybe its cause you're a good ole Ontario boy makin it in life and metal, or maybe its just cause you rule, but I actually would consider you one of my heroes, as cheesy as that sounds. But you're highly inspiring to a dude taking music in university without a bloody clue what hes doing really, and that you don't always have to make it big or make tons of money to be content with what you're doing and what you're creating, and this thread only helps to show that. I can't wait till I can get a band of my own and start doing stuff and playing shows. Hope you have a good holiday in the middle of no where (you sure as hell do deserve it), and I hope everyone else on this fantastic forum has a great holiday as well :kickass: