Yes we can. 2/12/08


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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Today is Barak Obama's Birthday, and in celebration of said event, The INTARWEB is asking people to participate in a "money bomb" to his campaign, like the one Ron Paul's supporters did a few months back. Specifically, they're asking for donations of $5.01, or multiples thereof.

I donated today, the first time I have ever done so for a President Hopeful. If you don't, you hate America, and 9/11 wins. Pass it on.

Info on the donation.
Direct link to donate.

This guy is a rockstar. If nothing else, listen to the speech on the webpage, it's very moving.
LOL I love it! Give me a person to vote for and I will. Do they still let you write in someones name that you want to vote for? I think last voting day I was really upset on what one of the guys said and wrote in Donald Duck (cause Mickey Sucks). LOL. This whole campaign is swirling down the toilet. Its only a matter of time until the turds on top follow. Please respond cause The_Q likey the political banter he do!
LOL I love it! Give me a person to vote for and I will. Do they still let you write in someones name that you want to vote for? I think last voting day I was really upset on what one of the guys said and wrote in Donald Duck (cause Mickey Sucks). LOL. This whole campaign is swirling down the toilet. Its only a matter of time until the turds on top follow. Please respond cause The_Q likey the political banter he do!

Wow, you're cool.
i dont see how anyone could say ron paul is not the best choice for the president. obama is better than mccain and clinton, but those three all suck on extensive levels.

god i wish ron paul could take this election, but i know its not going to happen sadly.

i would donate if ron paul was in obamas place, but obama wont do america much good. he will just do it less bad than clinton or mccain will.

this is all my opinion obviously so we will have to agree to disagree.

heres a little update/speech from ron paul.
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Feh. The current candidates (Ron Paul included, btw) SUCK!!!!!!!!!!

And how does not voting for Obama give 9.11 the win? He's for immediate redeployment and nuking our ally (however weak that ally might be) in that area. He has no clue about the military and probably would have had the same nearsight that the last few POTUS have had. So what positive attributes does he have for the office, besides an overwhelming dose of wishful thinking?

Oh yeah, and Congressperson who uses the terms "garnish" and "wages" in the same sentence, needs to be flogged mercilessly for an hour, and have his/her wages taken away for a year.
John McCain!

But i do like Obama. If McCain hadn't won the GOP nomination I would have voted for him.


i dont want to get into some big heated debate here cause ill be the first to admit i dont know much about politics, and i highly doubt id win the debate, but the fact that mccain suggests we might need to stay in iraq for 100 more years sounds so selfish, ridiculous, and stupid :(
i dont see how anyone could say ron paul is not the best choice for the president.

Which is why the powers that be made very certain his name was never spoken in any form of news media. When it comes down to it, people who don't follow politics vote for the person whose name they've heard the most times. If you need proof, 45% of New Hampshire Republicans who thought the Iraq War is a bad idea voted for John McCain. :rolleyes: