And how does not voting for Obama give 9.11 the win? He's for immediate redeployment and nuking our ally (however weak that ally might be) in that area. He has no clue about the military and probably would have had the same nearsight that the last few POTUS have had. So what positive attributes does he have for the office, besides an overwhelming dose of wishful thinking?
Oh yeah, and Congressperson who uses the terms "garnish" and "wages" in the same sentence, needs to be flogged mercilessly for an hour, and have his/her wages taken away for a year.
Concur. Obama is likeable, connects well with people, has that brash rockstar appeal...and is the second-worst choice to lead the US (and the Western world) right now.
Whether we like it or not, Western mores and society are firmly in the targets of Muslim fundamentalists around the world. It is not just "the U.S. versus them," either: in its broadcasts on al-Jazeera, Al-queda has stated its opposition to "the throne of Rome," which is a reference to all Western democracies and the Western world.
Barack Hussein Obama says we should use diplomacy with them. He says that we should negotiate more. Sorry, I disagree.
I also disagree with most of his domestic a federal employee, the prospect of nationalizing 12% of the American economy under government control frightens me to no end. The US Government can't do ANYTHING cheaply or efficiently, so why anyone would want some officious government bureaucrat to determine when and how you receive health-care is beyond me. Ultimately, it will be the worst boondoggle of the early 21st Century.
i dont see how anyone could say ron paul is not the best choice for the president. obama is better than mccain and clinton, but those three all suck on extensive levels.
I'm a small-ell libertarian, and I like a lot of Ron Paul's ideas, but the simple fact is that he is wayy too soft on global terrorism. Epic fail. Plus, his supporters are his most embarassing 'asset.'
Kenso said:
i dont want to get into some big heated debate here cause ill be the first to admit i dont know much about politics, and i highly doubt id win the debate, but the fact that mccain suggests we might need to stay in iraq for 100 more years sounds so selfish, ridiculous, and stupid
Except he didn't say that. He said we could stay in Iraq that long if the situation became like that of Germany or South Korea. John McCain is no idiot. He said back in 2007 that if the surge didn't work and the Iraqi government made no progress that we'd need to look at ending our involvement. He knows what war is. He's not going to make an endless commitment. But he won't give it all up as quickly as his opponents either.
+1 for his honesty. And besides, the surge
has been working.
I'm not a huge McCain fan, but when you look at the global picture, he is the clear winner.
Oh......I can't envision any circumstance whatsoever where I would vote for Hillary. She is as phoney as a $3 bill and astonishingly mean-spirited. (Ask me about the Clintons' move from the Arkansas governor's mansion back to Hope sometime....)
I cannot support compulsory wage garnishments to join a socialized healthcare system (you'd have no choice but to join under her plan), and I don't like her plan to levy a 'one-time' 15% tax on every outstanding retirement-plan balance to 'shore up' Social Security. If the system is broken, fix it, don't throw more of our hard-earned retirement money at it.
In the end, I'll probably hold my nose and vote for McCain.