Yes we can. 2/12/08

Too many people buy into what is said during these election runs. Every 4 years it's the same thing....say what the public wants to something else after your elected. This is not always by candidate choice but often boils down to political reality due to an aging political system that needs retooling (to say the least).

Reality is that nothing on the US political landscape will change until the political system itself is changed....until the American peoples perception is changed in such away that it is not all about "ME", but "US". The left, the right...the system and media has polarized a nation....sickens me.

With that said, while I have liked many of the candidates as personalities (well, as well as one gets to know them). Some I like because the seem personable and genuine (Huckabee) while in not any ways agreeing with their political or religious philosophies.

I like McCain, but his time past 8 years ago...a shame though his own party is raking him through the coals once again.
Hillary....Liked Bill....Hillary is scary.
Bama...Great "front man" his potential.....scary buying issues combined with the system will likely turn the possibilities into Carterisms.

All mentioned will do little to accomplish anything positive for any number of reasons (mainly the system itself), and while overall I would prefer McCain if given the choice, as I feel that within the political norm he is the one who over time has proven his credibility in regards to trust, Am leaning towards the "front man".
VP choice will likely be what sways me.
I read that "plan." It's all I can do to sit here, and not run screaming through the night. The months' worth of typing it'd take to even begin refuting it ain't worth it.

My point is, it's there, in writing, for anyone who wants to look. Wether or not you agree with it wasn't the issue. Yes, he's a bit extreme to the left, but I'll take that over what we've got now, though I've been saying we need a moderate in the Whitehouse since 2003, no matter how far left *I* am, I know this. But, at the same time, I think a swath needs to be cut from a different fabric for other reasons.

Your candidate's name is Barack Hussein Obama. Perhaps you should know the name of the person you want to run your country. The "Hussein" was first widely used in public by former Senator Bob Kerry of Nebraska... a Democrat... during his endorsement of Hillary Clinton.


Do you think I'm that mis-informed? Yes, I'm perfectly aware his middle name is Hussein. However, the way it was brought up was clearly insulting, and frankly, I'm SURE the Hitlery comment was just a typo, right?
Yep. Obama's middle name is "Hussein." Golly.

I liked Neal Boortz' response to a caller who tried to dredge up Barack's middle name as a negative issue: "Big Deal. It doesn't mean anything and it's not as if he had any choice over what his parents named him."

Score a point for, ahem, conservative talk radio. :heh:

Lol.. good for him. It's actually nice to see a reaction like that, honestly. There was this long chain letter my parents sent to me claiming Obama to be an Al Quadia terrorist. I lol'd hysterically.
What's most frightning to me is not how the various candidates will promise one thing during the campaing and do something else when elected... of course it's a major concern, but its almost expected now. No, what scares me most is just how uninformed the general public is with regards to the platforms of each candidate and also believing every internet/email rumor that comes out about them.

For example, one of our local TV stations runs a "viewer's voice" segment each week where they will play comments or read emails that have been sent to the station regarding hot topics of the week. Of course most of you know that Texas is being seen as a make or break primary for Hillary and so we've been getting tons of coverage on their in-state campaigning. The most shocking thing to hear during this morning's segment was just how many people called in and said they can't vote for Obama because he's a Muslim and can't salute the American flag! One caller didn't even know he was a U.S. Citizen and wondered how he could be running for President as a foreigner... :hypno:
I can't take this seriously right now; too early, need more coffee...

Today is Barak Obama's Birthday, and in celebration of said event, The INTARWEB is...asking for donations of $5.01, or multiples thereof.

Well, for $5.01, couldn't I just get him a cupcake from Safeway with one of those candles that plays music?
Or is the money going toward paying whoever administers Barack's birthday spankins?
(It wouldn't be a proper birthday without spankins. That's just plain unpatriotic.)
Okay, lemme see what I got for Barack Obama here...

*rummages in pockets*

I don't have $5.01 but I do have some lint, a lighter, and what appears to be an old faded lotto ticket that went through the wash. Hmm.

But what's the worst that could happen if I don't donate, Nailz?

If you don't, you hate America, and 9/11 wins.

...AW, FUCK. :cry:
nailz said:
Yes, he's a bit extreme to the left, but I'll take that over what we've got now, though I've been saying we need a moderate in the Whitehouse since 2003, no matter how far left *I* am, I know this.

Hussein is far from moderate. And as Mag said, to challenge his so called "plan" would take more time to lay down the words for than anyone here has time to read. But, I will tell you what he wants to do will require "bigger government" & spending i.e. more taxes which is what Dems are known for. l'm pretty sure the country doesn't want or need that. Even though he claims he will cut's not possible...the nationalized healthcare alone is going to cost somebody something. Guess who that will come from?

LOL! Knowing is half the battle.

Vice versa to you my antagonist...vice versa to you. ;)
Even though he claims he will cut's not possible...the nationalized healthcare alone is going to cost somebody something. Guess who that will come from?

I'm hoping the rediculous excess we waste on the Iraq debacle, and the 10-15 year contracts the republican government handed out, which is, in my opinion, the only reason we're still a military force there. Seriously, you can't critisize dems for spending anymore, or at least, not single them out with the outrageous spending plans of the republicans over the last few years, yes?
Hussein is far from moderate. And as Mag said, to challenge his so called "plan" would take more time to lay down the words for than anyone here has time to read. But, I will tell you what he wants to do will require "bigger government" & spending i.e. more taxes which is what Dems are known for. l'm pretty sure the country doesn't want or need that. Even though he claims he will cut's not possible...the nationalized healthcare alone is going to cost somebody something. Guess who that will come from?

Vice versa to you my antagonist...vice versa to you. ;)
Hussein is far from moderate. And as Mag said, to challenge his so called "plan" would take more time to lay down the words for than anyone here has time to read. But, I will tell you what he wants to do will require "bigger government" & spending i.e. more taxes which is what Dems are known for. l'm pretty sure the country doesn't want or need that. Even though he claims he will cut's not possible...the nationalized healthcare alone is going to cost somebody something. Guess who that will come from?

Because four more years of the same Republican crap courtesy of McCain would be exactly what we need. :lol:
I'm hoping the rediculous excess we waste on the Iraq debacle, and the 10-15 year contracts the republican government handed out, which is, in my opinion, the only reason we're still a military force there.

You call it a debacle...but as l've noticed and l'm sure you have too...we haven't had any terrorist attacks on our soil since we embarked on our mission there. Have we? I'd call that an accomplishment in the security of our country. Of course, you may think airliners loaded with fuel & hostages raining down on unsuspecting U.S. civilians is acceptable. I don't.
What makes the Democrats any better? My job is in jeopardy because of NAFTA. Who signed that into law? Bill Clinton. The Democrats always claim they're for the working man, yet he signed this bill dooming textile workers like me so China and India can import their cheap, inferior quality shit for free. The complaint that Republicans are warmongerers is also bullshit. World War I - Woodrow Wilson - Democrat, World War II - Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman - Democrats, Korean Conflict - Harry Truman - Democrat, Viet Nam - John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson - Democrats, Somalia and Kosovo - Bill Clinton - Democrat. Also, The Democrats have Planned Parenthood as their cash cow. The slaughter of innocent, unborn babies feeds the Democratic party as well as the subversive dregs known as the ACLU.
You call it a debacle...but as l've noticed and l'm sure you have too...we haven't had any terrorist attacks on our soil since we embarked on our mission there. Have we? I'd call that an accomplishment in the security of our country. Of course, you may think airliners loaded with fuel & hostages raining down on unsuspecting U.S. civilians is acceptable. I don't.

Step 1: Terrorists get pissed off because we build military bases in their country.

Step 2: Terrorists attack US.

Step 3: US sends a few hundred thousand more troops over there.

Sounds pretty airtight to me. The fact that TSA catches about 20% of bombs smuggled past security whereas the figure for private contractors (who used to be in charge) was in the vicinity of 90%, coupled with the fact htat the 9/11 hijackers were not carrying anything not allowed into the cabin, most definitely means that the policies of this administration have made us safer. Wake up people. The War On Terror cannot be won because there is absolutely no way to make people stop hating you by killing them. When's it going to be "won", when the entire world agrees that there are no terrorists left alive and never will be? Please. For those of you who still think they attack us because they "hate our freedom", please explain to me why they haven't attacked other countries where citizens enjoy many more civil liberties than we do.

I'm a Republican, but as Emerald Sword pointed out, it was always the Democrats who were the warmongers. This is the first time I've ever heard of the (presumptive) Republican nominee for President running on promises to expand wars to other countries, and needless to say, I won't be voting for him.
Step 1: Terrorists get pissed off because we build military bases in their country.

We build them there because the countries' government and ourselves are in agreement to do so. We don't just walk in & start erecting a base l assure you. Maybe those countries' governments should check with the terrorists first to see if it's ok. :rolleyes:

The War On Terror cannot be won because there is absolutely no way to make people stop hating you by killing them.

No...but you can hold them at bay while putting pressure on the non radical sectors of the religions/governments to "rein in" the radical elements. So far, the non radicals have failed to do what's necessary to stop the terrorists. Here is some reading that might shed some light on what I think the war is really about. Especially note "Jolting Islam Forward".
The complaint that Republicans are warmongerers is also bullshit. World War I - Woodrow Wilson - Democrat, World War II - Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman - Democrats

Oh my god you have to be kidding. You can't for a minute blame being in either of those wars on a President. It was a fucking WORLD WAR. I mean, except maybe Roosevelt for POSSIBLY sitting on information regarding the Pearl Harbor strike. And as I remember it, we not only fucking ENDED the Japanese, we also mopped up for the French. World War I wasn't exactly started by us either, though my knowledge of how exactly we got suckered into that one is nil.

edit: Also I don't see republicans as warmongers, just a certain family who seems to carry vendettas.

Korean Conflict - Harry Truman - Democrat, Viet Nam - John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson - Democrats,

Technically we got into the cold war for the same reason (Regan? Republican? Or am I missing the timeline here, though I'm sure Nixon or some other republican was in office 1976-80). Communism. Also, Kennedy diffused the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Somalia and Kosovo - Bill Clinton - Democrat.

My knowledge of these are very lacking. However, I'm pretty sure the whole Kosovo conflict thing started back in World War 2 w/ the Nazi's.

Also, The Democrats have Planned Parenthood as their cash cow. The slaughter of innocent, unborn babies feeds the Democratic party as well as the subversive dregs known as the ACLU.

I think Abortion is a topic for a different thread. However, I'd like to know what you'd consider just punishment for the women who had abortions should they become illegal. My stance on abortion (and this will ultimately be my first and last comment on the issue) is that it should absolutely be illegal after a certain time frame. I think Partial Birth Abortions are absolutely disgusting. However I may feel personally about MY blob of DNA forming into something with brain activity (I would never ever condone abortion of my child), if it's not my genetic material, I don't get to tell people what to do with it. I equate people who are all about "ZOMG ZYGOTES ARE PEOPLE TOO" as people who should also be hard up about men masturbating and women having their periods. "YOU WASTED AN EGG, SINNER. STOP SPILLING YOUR SEED!" And I can't stand the ACLU either. I'll throw you a bone on that one.

So much for another thread. lol. bah. I fail. Epically.

Remember, it took a Republican to get us OUT of Vietnam. Finally.

I'm hoping the rediculous excess we waste on the Iraq debacle, and the 10-15 year contracts the republican government handed out, which is, in my opinion, the only reason we're still a military force there.

This is one of my big concerns with Obama (and also Billary): they keep saying they'll "pay for" their expensive socialized healthcare programs with the money we're spending on Iraq.......but of course, the expenditures on Iraq are over and above what the government's normal operating expenses are. What he's saying is that, now that we're spending more money than we were before, let's just throw it at something else. That's not "saving" anything.

Worse: I can't think of ANYTHING the Federal government has ever taken over and run more efficiently than the private sector. Does anyone seriously think they'll do a good job handling 12% of the entire nation's GDP?

During my kidney-stone horror last fall, my healthcare provider was able to arrange a CTScan for me at a major hospital within an hour. (I paid $50, provider paid about $5,500.)
How long would that have taken if I'd had to clear it through yet another government bureacracy? :erk:

Seriously, you can't critisize dems for spending anymore, or at least, not single them out with the outrageous spending plans of the republicans over the last few years, yes?

I'm no huge Bush fan, nor am I a hater. In fairness to him, the nation was attacked on its own soil, and we had to take steps, some of them expensive ones.
I don't agree with everything he's done, but this nation has now been so brainwashed that over half of the respondents in a recent poll now think it was a mistake to go into Afghanistan.
Not Iraq.
Truly, we live in dangerous times.

You call it a debacle...but as l've noticed and l'm sure you have too...we haven't had any terrorist attacks on our soil since we embarked on our mission there. Have we? I'd call that an accomplishment in the security of our country. Of course, you may think airliners loaded with fuel & hostages raining down on unsuspecting U.S. civilians is acceptable. I don't.

There are occasional reports that attacks here HAVE been stopped. At least one of them, according to a NOVA broadcast I saw years ago, involved a functional nuclear weapon. (BTW, I'd love to see that broadcast again, but I have a feeling they showed more than the intelligence services liked.)

Moreover, the 'surge' in Iraq seems to be working. Casualties -- both U.S. and civilian -- are WAYYY down over the last few months, 80% down in the Baghdad area. The reason: we are getting much more cooperation from local Iraqi leaders.
I note with alacrity that the media has been...remarkably mum on the matter.
Step 1: Terrorists get pissed off because we build military bases in their country.

Step 2: Terrorists attack US.

Step 3: US sends a few hundred thousand more troops over there.

Sounds pretty airtight to me. The fact that TSA catches about 20% of bombs smuggled past security whereas the figure for private contractors (who used to be in charge) was in the vicinity of 90%, coupled with the fact htat the 9/11 hijackers were not carrying anything not allowed into the cabin, most definitely means that the policies of this administration have made us safer. Wake up people. The War On Terror cannot be won because there is absolutely no way to make people stop hating you by killing them. When's it going to be "won", when the entire world agrees that there are no terrorists left alive and never will be? Please. For those of you who still think they attack us because they "hate our freedom", please explain to me why they haven't attacked other countries where citizens enjoy many more civil liberties than we do.

Our bases are there because the governments of those countries wanted them there. After Saddam invaded Kuwait, other neighbouring countries requested them as a deterant to the madman. Were we supposed to confer with Osama Bin Laden et al before agreeing to those requests?

The last time I checked the United States isn't known to abandon it's allies because an asshole terrorist doesn't like the arrangement.

I'm a Republican, but as Emerald Sword pointed out, it was always the Democrats who were the warmongers. This is the first time I've ever heard of the (presumptive) Republican nominee for President running on promises to expand wars to other countries, and needless to say, I won't be voting for him.

Promising to expand which wars to which other contries? Obama is the one who stated he would bomb and send troops into Pakistan, which happens to be a friendly country. Brilliant.

"Obama said if elected in November 2008 he would be willing to attack inside Pakistan with or without approval from the Pakistani government, a move that would likely cause anxiety in the already troubled region."

The dude is frikkin' clueless.

Oh my god you have to be kidding. You can't for a minute blame being in either of those wars on a President. It was a fucking WORLD WAR. I mean, except maybe Roosevelt for POSSIBLY sitting on information regarding the Pearl Harbor strike. And as I remember it, we not only fucking ENDED the Japanese, we also mopped up for the French. World War I wasn't exactly started by us either, though my knowledge of how exactly we got suckered into that one is nil.

edit: Also I don't see republicans as warmongers, just a certain family who seems to carry vendettas.

We didn't have to be in WW I. Wilson used an excuse of Germany sinking a British ship with about 100 Americans on board to get involved. His Secretary of State resigned in protest.

WW II was an inevitability. And the US didn't mop up for the French. We saved their asses, again!

Technically we got into the cold war for the same reason (Regan? Republican? Or am I missing the timeline here, though I'm sure Nixon or some other republican was in office 1976-80). Communism.

Got into the cold war? Regan? WTF are you talking about? The cold war was a term for the miltary buildup and political tensions between NATO lead by the USA and Warsaw Pact countries led by the USSR. It was not a military conflict like Korea.

The cold war started immediately after the conclusion of WWII... that would be in the mid 1940's. Forty years before Regan was President.
Regan won the cold war and and the USSR crumbled, and the Warsaw Pact countries regained their independance from the Communists.

Korea and Viet Nam on the other hand started for much the same reason Afganistan and Iraq. They were started to stop the spread of Communism instead of Islamofacism, but the basic premis was the same: Stop the spread of a preceived threat/evil.

Interesting that this family is carrying out a vendetta, while two Democrats get a pass.

The President of the United States of America from 1976 to 1980 was one James Earl Carter. A Democrat who dismantled the military, ruined the economy, allowed Communism to spread unchecked throughout the world, and more importantly, the Americas.

Also, Kennedy diffused the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Yeah and JFK is probably spinning in his grave to see what the Democrats have become. The liberal socialist welfare state the Democrats tout is much the brainchild of Lyndon Johnson, Kennedy's VP. The two men hated each other passionately, and Johnson was only VP at the insistance of the DNC. If you believe in conspiricy theories, well... that's another story.

Nevertheless, it's been a long time since any Democrat said "Ask not what your country can do for you..."

My knowledge of these are very lacking. However, I'm pretty sure the whole Kosovo conflict thing started back in World War 2 w/ the Nazi's.

Again, WTF? Nazi's? Serbs and Albanians have been at each others' throats since the 16th or 17th century. They had to play nice while they were under the iron fist of the USSR, but when the Soviets released them they went right back to killing each other.
Democrat Bill Clinton involved the US in that war, but there were absolutely no US interests at stake. The US involvment in a war did, however, distract the American people's attention away from the Lewinski scandal for a while. The movie "Wag The Dog" was about a American President who concocted a war to distract from a sex scandal. Sound familiar?

It's true that the world would be a much different place than it is if history hadn't happened the way it did. However, the bottom line is that of all the wars that Democrats got the US involved in only WW II was truly justifiable and necessary at the time.
We didn't have to be in WW I. Wilson used an excuse of Germany sinking a British ship with about 100 Americans on board to get involved. His Secretary of State resigned in protest.

Are you saying then it was a bad call?

WW II was an inevitability. And the US didn't mop up for the French. We saved their asses, again!

Thats really what I meant. Also, not a bad idea to stop a power hungry madman from taking over the world and killing ... you know.. an entire fucking religion. However, before you go making the comparison, he was actually well on his way before we did anything about it.

Got into the cold war? Regan? WTF are you talking about? The cold war was a term for the miltary buildup and political tensions between NATO lead by the USA and Warsaw Pact countries led by the USSR. It was not a military conflict like Korea.

The cold war started immediately after the conclusion of WWII... that would be in the mid 1940's. Forty years before Regan was President.
Regan won the cold war and and the USSR crumbled, and the Warsaw Pact countries regained their independance from the Communists.

Thanks for the info. I guess I really didn't know much about it. I should have kept my mouth shut on this one. :lol:

Korea and Viet Nam on the other hand started for much the same reason Afganistan and Iraq. They were started to stop the spread of Communism instead of Islamofacism, but the basic premis was the same: Stop the spread of a preceived threat/evil.

So.. if Dems started wars for the same reasons republicans did.. ...

Interesting that this family is carrying out a vendetta, while two Democrats get a pass.

I'm not arguing that maybe the Korean conflict and the Vietnam conflict were wrong, but we knew when the hell to leave, and lets face it, we all know how awful the 'Nam war was run. N. Korea is still a huge threat. What I want to know, is they HAVE nukes, we KNOW they have nukes, yet... somehow.. we're in Iraq for that reason? Which.. they don't have them? At all?

The President of the United States of America from 1976 to 1980 was one James Earl Carter. A Democrat who dismantled the military, ruined the economy, allowed Communism to spread unchecked throughout the world, and more importantly, the Americas.

I was never one to say Democrats are perfect. Look at 2004. It was a horrid year for Dems in the election. They couldn't win that election with Kerry if he ran unopposed.

Yeah and JFK is probably spinning in his grave to see what the Democrats have become. The liberal socialist welfare state the Democrats tout is much the brainchild of Lyndon Johnson, Kennedy's VP. The two men hated each other passionately, and Johnson was only VP at the insistance of the DNC. If you believe in conspiricy theories, well... that's another story.

:lol: ... I agree, both parties have basically ruined the government.

Nevertheless, it's been a long time since any Democrat said "Ask not what your country can do for you..."

And a long time since a republican didn't say "Shut up and do what I tell you! Go die for the USA so I can get caught in gay and child sex scandals!"

Again, WTF? Nazi's? Serbs and Albanians have been at each others' throats since the 16th or 17th century. They had to play nice while they were under the iron fist of the USSR, but when the Soviets released them they went right back to killing each other.

Another subject I admit I know very little about.

Democrat Bill Clinton involved the US in that war, but there were absolutely no US interests at stake. The US involvment in a war did, however, distract the American people's attention away from the Lewinski scandal for a while. The movie "Wag The Dog" was about a American President who concocted a war to distract from a sex scandal. Sound familiar?

Never saw it, and never really understood why the Sex scandal was so absolutely rediculious. You know, honestly, I don't think whatever war Bill got us into made the news much, because I really don't have any rememberance of it.

It's true that the world would be a much different place than it is if history hadn't happened the way it did. However, the bottom line is that of all the wars that Democrats got the US involved in only WW II was truly justifiable and necessary at the time.

Frankly, I think there's a lot to be said about stopping a tyrant in WWI too. I think if Vietnam came out better it would've had a happier place in histroy, and I'm sure the South Koreans are thankful.

That said, I have no problem with Desert Storm and Protecting Kuait. (sp?) ... I don't have a problem with being in Afghanistan. I didn't really have a problem with invading Iraq. I didn't like it, but I figured we'd be in and out in 3 years. I'm pissed because I feel we're only there for special interests. And I don't care WHO The president claims to answer to, thats not right.