Faith Puppeteer
I used to like McCain when he leaned more towards the middle, but now he seems to be shifting further and further to the right to please the Republican base so, in short, no thanks.
I would argue that the reason these candidates had no chance of winning is precisely because they didn't receive the same attention in the debates, on the news, or anywhere else, than the other candidates did.
Every candidate deserves a chance for their message to be heard, because there is no way of predicting who's a viable candidate and who's not until people know who they are, and where they stand on the issues. Virtually all perceptions about the strength of a candidate are heavily manipulated by the media outlets who, sadly, have their own agendas.
I used to like McCain when he leaned more towards the middle, but now he seems to be shifting further and further to the right to please the Republican base so, in short, no thanks.
Finally! A chance to vote for the GREATER of two evils!*
* unless, of course, Hillary is the other choice
osama/klinton? really?I'll probably be voting against Klinton or Osama during the election... if you want to call it that. :
hahaha, it would be awesome if the winning president made that guy vice pres, then committed suicide.
well the suicide part wouldnt be all that awesome, but at least that guy would be pres right?
He lost a lot of my respect when he recanted his opinion of Jerry Falwell. When he originally had the guts to say something, I felt like I was finally seeing a Republican leader who was going to stand up to the Religious right. But then he had to go and play nice with Falwell, proving that he is "just one more politician."
I love what you're saying. Can you believe it? LOL! I was actually pulling for Romney myself, but I liked Fred Thompson, too. I'm not a fan of the leftists, either.I was pulling for Thompson but that campaign never got off the ground. l'll have to admit l'm leaning toward McCain even though he has leaned toward the left a bit much for my taste...especially on immigration. Anyone will be better than Hussein Obama (Change...change what & how? Everyone is waiting to hear...so please expound) or Hitlary.
I love what you're saying. Can you believe it? LOL! I was actually pulling for Romney myself, but I liked Fred Thompson, too. I'm not a fan of the leftists, either.
Anyone will be better than Hussein Obama (Change...change what & how? Everyone is waiting to hear...so please expound)
I direct you to the following link to answer your question, readily and freely available if people would just .. you know.. look at his website. Right under "issues". Labeled "Blueprint for Change."
Seriously, you're not the only one screaming "HE WONT TELL US WHAT HE'S GOING TO CHANGE LOL!!!111one" ... Why do people not research the candidates they're critisizing so harshly for things that are RIGHT THERE in front of their faces. Stop listening to Conservative talk radio and think for yourself..
BTW, awesomely clever on the name calling. Did you think those up yourself, or should we credit Rush Limbaugh? It sounds like some trype he'd contrive.