yet another podfarm related question


Aug 13, 2009
hey guys,

so i'm at the point where i have a tone i'm very happy with but its too dry, and adding gain (on either the ts or amp) ends up adding too much fuzz.

having a hard time finding that perfect balance of gain without it become fizzy etc.

any advice on this? inside podfarm or post processing?

thanks in advance!
hey guys,

so i'm at the point where i have a tone i'm very happy with but its too dry, and adding gain (on either the ts or amp) ends up adding too much fuzz.

having a hard time finding that perfect balance of gain without it become fizzy etc.

any advice on this? inside podfarm or post processing?

thanks in advance!

Sure I read this from Joey but start with your tube screamer knobs all at noon. On your amp, I'd say start around 60%. Get the guitarist (or loop) to chug over and over again and start to adjust the tube screamer and amp gain settings. My start off point for my TS is Knob 1 at around 15% Knob 2 at 50 and knob 3 at 50. Start bringing up your TS gain and amp gain until its around "breaking point" so to speak.

However, totally depends on the music. I sometimes find myself having to run a few instances of pod farm with the same tone just slightly different amp and TS settings according to what part of the song it is and what the guitarist is playing. I recently just figured out how to automate parameters in pod farm too. Havn't tried it with gain yet, just needed it to automate a wah pedal.

Hope this helps in some way or another
Fandus said:
hey guys,

so i'm at the point where i have a tone i'm very happy with but its too dry, and adding gain (on either the ts or amp) ends up adding too much fuzz.

having a hard time finding that perfect balance of gain without it become fizzy etc.

any advice on this? inside podfarm or post processing?

thanks in advance!

What do you mean by dry?
If you mean not enough depth, saturation helps me alot there. Also having bass guitar is big there..
Also are we talking about the tone alone or in the mix? Cause that's a huge difference. My pod tones always sound horrible by themselves, but good in a mix.
i'm talking about the level of gain when i say dry, dry = more of a crunch tone that leaves breakdowns sounding weak, you know like dry/wet in terms of gain. i find myself wanting more of a distorted tone but it always results in fizz and hiss, and if i roll back the gain it ends up being to 'dry' with the chugs not breaking up enough and having a more clean amp vibe to it.

this is the work in progress, guitars are sitting way too loud in the mix, my monitors were telling me otherwise.... time for a replacement. i think that could be half my problem there, things sound very different through my yamaha hs50's. MASTER NOVOX.mp3
how man db do you usually find yourself cutting? i cut about 3db this time but it could probably use more?

i cut (narrow q) roughly 6-8db.
also i think in your mix guitars could benefit from a little less gain, and maybe automate gain for breakdowns to go up a little, but those chords at the beginning could benefit from less gain. Like it's been said 1000 times tone is in the playing. Lower gain + tighter playing (and it already sounds pretty tight to me) is better tone. listen to Stand up and scream, gain is so low.

also, if you're going for a For the Fallen dreams type tone, job well done :D
that breakdown at the end is where it's at, it sounds pretty awesome
i cut (narrow q) roughly 6-8db.
also i think in your mix guitars could benefit from a little less gain, and maybe automate gain for breakdowns to go up a little, but those chords at the beginning could benefit from less gain. Like it's been said 1000 times tone is in the playing. Lower gain + tighter playing (and it already sounds pretty tight to me) is better tone. listen to Stand up and scream, gain is so low.

also, if you're going for a For the Fallen dreams type tone, job well done :D
that breakdown at the end is where it's at, it sounds pretty awesome

i agree man, automation might be the way to go. chords are are bit harsh but then the breakdowns arent wet enough...

i will try it out and see how i go :)

vocals are coming soon :)