Yet another tone test....

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
This is POD X3 Big Bottom model. Actually its the preset Fuge uploaded. The drums are done with Addictive Drums and are a bit on the ehhh side. Just kind of threw it together to test out my new monitors and see how the tone sounded in some kind of mix. I think it may be a bit on the boomy/woofy side. Gimme anykind of tips you can offer puhlease!

Cheers dudes,

heres the link:
The first one is way more interesting man. I really like all the off/harmonies and lead guitars. Can you do a blend with the two? The first one just blew me away, the second one is ok but much more predictable. Nevertheless, you jam.:kickass:
Yea I can totally see where you're coming from with that. I just couldn't really feel the vibe of the first one. I am hoping maybe later on it will hit me again and I will feel differently about it. And thank you for your kind words!