Yngwie (Last Night In Hollywood)


Dec 4, 2003
Southern California
I just got back into Ventura county after an amazing evening of music.
I arrived during George Lynch's last song and quickly moved towards the front of the stage.I had seen Michael Romeo earlier this year with Symphony X & Strapping Young Lad and I was anxious to see how his playing stacked up against Malmsteen's.Before I go any further I must say that Romeo is a much diverse guitarist than Yngwie,and has alot better style and technique.
However Romeo would not be the shredder he is without Yngwie...and I must say I was really blown away by Yngwie the entire evening.
Malmsteen has certainly packed the pounds on though,I swear he ripped his fucking pants on one of those kicks..but I guess I'll never know.

Rising Force
Ship of Fools
Rise Up
Guitar Solo - Baroque & Roll
Guitar Solo - Dreaming
In the Name of God
Trilogy Suite Opus : 5
Instru-mental Institution
Guitar Solo
Key Solo
Drum Solo
You Don't Remember, I'll Never Forget
Razor Eater
Adajo - Far Beyond The Sun
I'll See The Light Tonight

Evening Highlights:
The Pre-Concert Drinking
Rising Force
Ship Of Fools
Briefly meeting MetalSteph in the pit (She is absolutley gorgeous)
Seeing Yngwie attempt high kicks throughout the show
Scuffle with some balding piece of shit who stated me & some friends were "out of hand"

All in all a great evening & I am glad I saw Yngwie live

Zac said:
Evening Highlights:
Briefly meeting MetalSteph in the pit (She is absolutley gorgeous)

Thanks Zac, you're sweet. (blushing)

As for the show - I knew Yngwie had grown, but I no idea he'd grown out so much. It was a little comical. Check out my pix from last night compaired to him back in the day. It was a fun night though. Lynch was good. My good friend Marten was playing bass with him. Hey Zac - did you notice any of the 80s guitarists in the crowd? I spotted Paul Gilbert, Chris Holmes and Warren DiMartini.





And here's a shot of him from the mid 80s. Hard to believe it's the same guy.

MetalSteph said:
Thanks Zac, you're sweet. (blushing)

As for the show - I knew Yngwie had grown, but I no idea he'd grown out so much. It was a little comical. Check out my pix from last night compaired to him back in the day. It was a fun night though. Lynch was good. My good friend Marten was playing bass with him. Hey Zac - did you notice any of the 80s guitarists in the crowd? I spotted Paul Gilbert, Chris Holmes and Warren DiMartini.

Those pics are killer!
The 3rd shot looks like someone is pointing at Yngwie's gut...
As for the guitarists no I didn't notice!!
I was just watching Yngwie's fingers fly across the fretboard the entire night.
Malmsteen was was really amazing,and played a blistering set
Chris is still my favorite lead player..although my opinion on that might be a tad bit biased :D
Zac said:
Chris is still my favorite lead player..although my opinion on that might be a tad bit biased :D
I would have to agree.... but I might be a tad bit biased as well.
I caught him & George Lynch live in San Antonio a couple weekends ago. I agree with your review. Great show.
I just got listening to some yngwie and I think he is an excellent guitarist, but I read some stuff bout him that pissd me off, he sounds like a totally Dick! But yeah seeing him perform should be an ace experience and those pictures are really good. Thanks for those. Anyway, Im playing an yngwie piece for my A level solo in a months time. Im not up to speed yet but soon, I shall shred like a mofo and nail those sickening arpegio's. John Petrucci's the best living guistarist right now.