Yngwie Malmsteen DVD


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I bought this today cos it was cheap and some of his songs are okay-ish. But the DVD is a pile of wank.
All the solos sound the same, widdle widdle widdle then a squeal at the end. Malmsteen also struts around like Janick Gers on cocaine - he even "sings" on one crappy song. It seems like he's going to do a nice melodic solo sometimes then he remembers how fast he can go and starts his shitty widdling.
Fuck me, this is one crap DVD - don't buy it anyone you'll be sorry, buy the Satriani one instead - that's awesome, and Joe's not a fucking egomaniac either.
Having said that, if theres a life or death situation and you HAVE to buy either this DVD or St Anger buy the DVD cos although it's piss it's still better than the Metalli-turd.


Great review of malmsteen. Saw him in the uk couple of years ago and I was totally disappointed, did wonder if he just didn't like the brits! . Then saw vai, then satriani - both blew yngwie away, though joe was better than vai. Have the satriani dvd - love it to bits - time just flies! Thanks for the review - has saved me money! :tickled:
i saw him 2 weeks ago on the G3 tour and was disappointed as well. and when he wasnt soloing, he was tossing and drop-kicking picks into the crowd. just about everybody got one that night.
thebigyetti said:
i saw him 2 weeks ago on the G3 tour and was disappointed as well. and when he wasnt soloing, he was tossing and drop-kicking picks into the crowd. just about everybody got one that night.
I got one. :grin: Analog and I saw him a few years back. Jorn Lande was singing for him at the time. The sound was good. Yes he can play fast. Yes he gets tremedously boring. He was also getting a bit on the chunky side.