Yngwie Malmsteen - Man or Beast? (not the good type)

if anything, he's been reworking classical pieces and shredding over them, which could be interesting, but falls flat due to his masturbatory need to never stop for some break in guitar lines to let the music come through. that, and his 'solos' are frequently similar in that they're just scale excercises.
Stormwatch said:
His solos are shite, just constant widdling with no feel or thought for the rythm.

He's not one of my favorite guitarists, but this is simply not true. Quite an exaggeration. It's ridiculous to say he doesn't have any thought for rhythm. How do you think he holds his music together?
No, it's NOT an exaggeration. You watch the same live DVD I did and you'll see what I mean. Every solo sounded the same, constant fucking widdling through the neck pickup. And considering about 90% of his "songs" consist of solos you can imagine how repetitive it gets. It didn't even appear to be scales he was playing, it seemed to me he only used two strings and four frets. The cunt even had the cheek to "sing" on one of the songs! Admittedly, his studio albums may have more thought for rythm and feel, but live he seems to be utter shit.
He's a fat dick.
Well, He has braught a lot of things to neo-classical metal. But I think that his job may be done. I am still a fan though, I think this guy is awesome as a guitar player. Cause I'm being one, getting influence from every hot guitarist is a must, so I am a fan of Malmsteen, as I am a fan of Vai, Satriani, Pettrucci, etc.
Yngwie's development over the last 20 years (when I first heard him) is about as limited as Ace Frehley's (ex-Kiss lead guitarist). At least Ace has a better feel to what works for the song and can run circles around Yng-wank when it comes to songwriting.

Yngwie's first album was good, but he didn't progress.

Vai has kept up his chops even from his early days with Frank Zappa.

Same with Satriani.

Fuck Yngwie! :loco:
I like Yngwie Malmsteens music and guitarplaying but, gives a fuck about how he is as a person!! Yngwie is a improvising guitarist (one of the best) so, maybe that´s why he often sounds the same in his soloing especially live. However, he was more inventive when he was younger. That sad thing is that so many people can´t seperate his music from his personality. People says that he is bad or aweful just because he is a jerk as a person but, does that have to do with his music? I think not!! It is his music that counts!! I have met him a couple of times and everytime he was very kind to me. People who says that Yngwie doesn´t have any "feeling" and good tone in his playing just reveals themselves as non-musical. There ain´t many guitarists in the world today that have same full tone as Yngwie. I mean, that´s one of the reasons he became so famous (among others).

Some people like his music, some doesn´t but, deciding not to like Yngwie´s music or playing because they don´t like his personality is quite childish. Are you gonna mingle with him or what. I have met a couple of former Yngwie bandmembers and, they have told me that Yngwie is damn hard to work with but, the bad reputation about Yngwie isn´t even half true. Media exaggurates
Stormwatch said:
Your point? Angus is repetitive in a good way, and he admits he's not the best guitarist in the world.

How is he repetetive in a good way? He uses the same minor pentatonic/blues scale in every solo, just like 95% of all rock guitar players that have ever existed. Oh, such skill. Yngwie's still the better guitar player.
Mr Accolade said:
Yngwie is a improvising guitarist (one of the best) so, maybe that´s why he often sounds the same in his soloing especially live.

Improvising? i've seen him in concert, and let me say, he is far from improvisation as he plays the same tired licks each time.

Mr Accolade said:
It is his music that counts!!

It's his music i'm judging.

Mr Accolade said:
People who says that Yngwie doesn´t have any "feeling" and good tone in his playing just reveals themselves as non-musical. There ain´t many guitarists in the world today that have same full tone as Yngwie. I mean, that´s one of the reasons he became so famous (among others).

excuse me? tone? thats subjective. and even so, i've never heard anyone say they loved his tone. he's known for speed and neoclassical composition.

nonmusical? that's pretty bold and pretentious. i strongly disagree that if i don't like the guy's playing i'm nonmusical.

Mr Accolade said:
Some people like his music, some doesn´t but, deciding not to like Yngwie´s music or playing because they don´t like his personality is quite childish. Are you gonna mingle with him or what. I have met a couple of former Yngwie bandmembers and, they have told me that Yngwie is damn hard to work with but, the bad reputation about Yngwie isn´t even half true. Media exaggurates

this is not a personality discussion. i'm sure there'd be nothing to argue about on that topic, as you yourself in your 2nd to last sentence admit the guy is an ass to a lot of people. i'm judging him based on his music and i believe a lot of the other nay-sayers are as well.