Yngwie Malmsteen - Man or Beast? (not the good type)


The Good Doctor
Jul 26, 2004
This man is a beast to me. A beast of 2 types. 1stly, he's a pretty damn good guitarist, (at least better then most the fucking shit on the charts). And secondly, he is a beast. His gutt, his head, his fingers. "I can play all the music theory there is to know"(Use heavy accent) Even the way he speaks.

But overall I'd have to say that I'm not a fan... I've seen a live DVD in California (I think it was) and I recently saw G3 (Joe Satriani with 2 other guitarists). with Yngwie. Now the first DVD wasn't so bad. I liked the music, the singer isn't bad, no Tim but he's good. When he swings his guitar around his head, AWESOME shit! I'm gonna start practicing that. But then he starts kicking and then I can't help but laugh and this fat cunt. Kicking? If it was a half decent kick, maybe It wouldn't be as funny but he's is kicking like a girl (no offence ladies). Not a Bad DVD.... But G3 just said it all for me. Stoopid arrogent fat cunt who is only good at playing guitar! When all 3 of them were out Satriani and the other dude (He was awesome but I forget his name), were out playing solos, he just refused to play rhythm. He pranced around with his fat gutt hangin' out going up to his amps and holding up his guitar at them... He wanted to be in the spotlight, obviously. But he was all dark and the other 2 had the light on em playing their guitars.

Why?? Why be a guitarist/musician and choose to be as arrogent as that when you can play amazingly? There's no fucking need. I heard Stu or Steve-O from Dungeon went up to him and said "Hey man hows it going?" And he just put his arms up and walked off. Wierd... Why can't we all just get along!

What do you think about this rambling??

Peace my Brothers

The Good Doctor
I used to be a Yngwie fan...until I realized that he's a narcissistic, self-fellating cunt who shits out nothing but vapid and uncreative arpeggio filligrees to whet the appetites of D&D faggots in pirate shirts sitting at home all day masturbating to their Petrucci instructional videos.
heh, i like some of the stuff hes done. he is a fantastic player and i enjoy the influences he combines ... including karate. its cheesy, but fun (both funny and entertaining)
He's overrated.
Cythraul said:
I used to be a Yngwie fan...until I realized that he's a narcissistic, self-fellating cunt who shits out nothing but vapid and uncreative arpeggio filligrees to whet the appetites of D&D faggots in pirate shirts sitting at home all day masturbating to their Petrucci instructional videos.

i love a good long sentence full of reasons to dislike someone. this is a prime specimen.
blakmetalemp said:
You must be new to the guitar world to not know who Steve Vai is. Yngwie's early stuff and the Concerto album is good, anything he does now is just rehashing older stuff.
I didn't recognise him. I haven't seen much footage of him but the 2 times i saw him once he had long hair, then he had short hair. Im not familiar with him. Could also be the weed, that usually the case.
misfit said:
heh, i like some of the stuff hes done. he is a fantastic player and i enjoy the influences he combines ... including karate. its cheesy, but fun (both funny and entertaining)

There is a difference between karate kick and moving your leg in a general direction. Its hardly a kick at all. and yes, cheesy.
Brilliant statement Cythraul-- truly the best thing I have read on UM in some time. I think Herr Dionysus would be happy. Seriously, is there anyone else you can so eloquently slam?
Who cares what kind of person he is?

Anyway, Marching Out is a great album. He's also had a few good songs here and there, but that's about it.
the "Other guy" on G3 was Steve Vai, who imo is much better than Yngwie because while Vai also shreds, he knows when a single note will speak clearer. over the years he's also been more dynamic and original, wheras Yngwie's early material was good, and he has yet to produce anything original since then.
I listened to his first album last night and it's okay. The first song is excellent. But I had a live DVD of this (do a search and you can find the thread on here) and he's a fat dick. His solos are shite, just constant widdling with no feel or thought for the rythm.
Fuck him and his scalloped fucking wankboard.