Yo Darkspot......

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
You'll be here sooner or later, sooo.....I found my live Nevermore pics, all of them! But how bout instead of making copies of them, I just send them to you, you can scan them, and send them back to me? Cuz these pics are too dark for b/w copies.
eehh, it just grew on me......hehehe, from making fun of it actually. Kynda lyke tha heek towlk, butt uh woant saye yo noe moor, uh lyke tha heek towlk much betur........:grin: Hey, i got your letter on saturday, boy that was fast!! I'll try to be as fast, you know i'm lazy........you'll hear from me by next week. Right now i'm working on a Slayer poster. It's really kewl! It's got a pentagram with chains coming out of each point, and the pentagram is encircled by flames, then i've got the slayer logo at the top, but now i'm stuck.....it needs more.
hmmm...bout 20 minutes, a minute a page. You beat the Ice this time around! The last letter I got from him was a measely 12 pages! He's slacking! I'll have to kick his ass for that. No, actually it's good thing, it gave me a break! My next letter to you will be at least ten pages I promise! he he, your mom's not gonna like that slayer poster, he he
No,she probobly won't.But she doesn't have to see it.Just the Nevermore pics when I scan them and send them back to you.No one giving any type of innappropriate gestures,or anything?I must learn how to use the fucking scanner.
hmmm, no innappropriate gestures, but Warrel is wearing his "Fuck You I'm From Hell" shirt, but it's dark and kinda hard to see, she probably won't notice. The scanner's easy to use from what I remember in Web Mastering class. That just gave me an idea. damn! The next time i'm at my aunt's house I can use her scanner and put some concert pics on disk and put them here! I think I got one of me on disk too already, yay, a picture page! haha, I gotta put some pics of the Diecast mosh pit, that was hiliarious!:lol:
well i gotta leave in about 15 minutes to pick my mom up from work and i wanna bs for a while on yahoo chat, so i'll see ya'll later!!!!