Yo Greg!

The Dope

Sep 19, 2002
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In class this morning:

Professor: "Do any of you watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer?"

Girl in the front row: "Why do English professors seem to like that show so much?"

Professor: "Because it's a great goddamn show."

I immediately thought of you, because to be honest, I don't know of anyone else who watches that show.
Yeah, she actually then went on to say that there were elements of the show (characters, plot, etc.) which apparently appeal to Englishy-type people, like questions of identity and such - in the case of people turned into vampires - and what-have-you and so forth. I can't really verify since I have pretty much no idea of what the show is like, but I suppose there's probably some truth to it.

This actually came about during a discussion of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1955 original version). The class itself is a Topics in Film Studies class focusing on Cold War-era conspiracy theory films.
Hey Greg question for you... I was watching the episode where the reopened sunnydale and someone plants a talisman so all the people who got killed are attacking Buffy's sister and Spike just got his soul back but hes in this room in the basement muttering like a loon when this shape shifting thing comes up and tells him how stupid he is, apparently cycling through every character I missed by having only watched one other episode in its entirety. WTG is that shapeshifting thing?
that my friend is The First Evil. a noncorporeal entity that can assume the form of anyone who has passed away and uses its power to torment and manipulate the people it haunts.

for further reference please see the episode "Amends" from season 3 where we first meet The First Evil as it haunts Angel.