Yo! Laser's Edge...can you get this?

Are you going to stock the limited edition re-release of Damien Wilson's debut - "Cosmas"?
Do you know anything about a release from Mythodea? It supposedly came out in Dec 2011 and features John West and Kuprij on it?

How do you chose which Elektrohasch titles to bring in? I noticed on their website that they had other artists. Do you listen to samples or just take what they send you? I've liked all the bands from that label that you have sold.
Some of the stuff is outside the scope of what we sell. Even the stoner rock is very borderline for us. The overt psychedelic titles are more in our wheelhouse. I try to listen to samples - I don't order blind.
Well, technically it's all unreleased. Instead of releasing just a greatest hits of the songs from the previous albums, they remixed most and re-recorded some of the songs. The digi version has a third disc which contains a 're-worked' version of the Lucifer’s Heritage demos plus other demos. This is why I want this version. Even though most BG fans have these from some bootlegs, having an official good recorded version is awesome.

I don't want to take up too much room on here so I won't post the track list but here is a link with more info.


Any word on this, Ken?

Will you be stocking the new Klaus Schultz reissues by MIG:
Richard Wahnfried's Tonwelle
Richard Wahnfried's Miditation (with Steve Jollife)

Also another MIG remaster: Manuel Gottsching - "Inventions for Electric Guitar"

I presume you will be stocking the Esoteric remasters of:
Matching Mole - s/t
Matching Mole - Little Red Record

Yes to all. MIG just changed distros here so release dates got moved around a bit but they are all scheduled for release here.
