yo niggas recommend me EPIC, SWEEPING, GRANDIOSE black METAL!!!!!!!!

I havn't heard Chante de Batailles, but I hear the the interludes before each 'real' song gets boring? Is this true?
Also he is suppose to be releasing a new album this october, I hope it's not delayed.
Nothing about this album gets boring. Grandiose and Epic for sure. Great recommendation man!
Moonblood's Blut & Krieg is ten times as epic as anything Emperor put out. The title track is triumphant masterpiece. For shame.

Haha, nice try!

Wires, you should check out Sigrblot. It's been a while since I listenend to 'em, but I seem to remember there being some real quality there.

EDIT: To elaborate on the Moonblood part, the band is obviously Darkthrone-inspired (coughderirativecough), with the only epic attempt being the title-track. But even that's a standard three-chord rocker. Hardly 'epic' for those of us who crave a little bit more than that.
Haha, nice try!

Wires, you should check out Sigrblot. It's been a while since I listenend to 'em, but I seem to remember there being some real quality there.

EDIT: To elaborate on the Moonblood part, the band is obviously Darkthrone-inspired (coughderirativecough), with the only epic attempt being the title-track. But even that's a standard three-chord rocker. Hardly 'epic' for those of us who crave a little bit more than that.

Obviously, I disagree with your thoughts on Moonblood; I find the album in question to be very epic, in particular the folkish melodies and subtle keyboards. I also find Moonblood to be far more consistent in terms of quality in comparison to Emperor. I'll admit it's probably been over two (probably more) years since I've listened to Emperor's seminal album, In the Nightside Eclipse, in it's entirety - and that Emperor are my least favourite of all the classic Norwegian bands - so my original comment was slightly overstated. However, I greatly respect your opinions and tastes and I will give it a thorough listen tonight.

And yeah, Sigrblot's album is very cool.
Shit, really?! Wow, I'm so used to people just throwing shit when people disagreeing with them around here, I was totally expecting insults and stuff... :erk: Well, thanks, I guess.. Haha! I guess I'm required to listen to Moonblood again as well, then, huh?