yo quiero un MP3 player ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
So I decided I am tired to make CD's and take stuff with me to the car all the time.
In the market for an 512mb - 1gb MP3 player ... will only use it in the car, not walking around, so I don't care about headphones or sound quality through them. I figure a 1gb max can hold more than enough tunes even for some longer trips and is more than what I need.

Luckily MINI has this great AUX jack adapter they sell for $40 that hooks up to the factory radio ... so connection is easy to the player.

Anybody can recommend a good one for about $100 ???
there's tons of them on the market ... the 1gb one can fit about 200 songs ... that's a lot of Blood Red Throne :loco:

I need some help weeding through the ones available.
none of you have any idea about this? ... when JK asked a few months ago, i remember some good suggestion ... of course cannot search the forum
the shuffle is ok ... but it just does that ... shuffles ... need some control over the tracks