You can't make this stuff up.


Dec 18, 2004
Check this story out.....not so much the banning of the pot like candy but more the name of the Senator that pushed the bill to stop the sells of the pot like candy. :lol:

Georgia Law Bans Retailers From Selling 'Pot Candy' To Minors

POSTED: 10:26 am EDT May 7, 2008
UPDATED: 11:17 am EDT May 7, 2008

ATLANTA -- Georgia retailers soon will be banned from selling candy flavored to taste like marijuana to children.

Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed a measure into law Wednesday that bans the sale of "marijuana flavored products" to minors -- anyone under 18 -- and calls for a fine of up to $500 for each offense.

The measure takes effect July 1st.

It targets businesses that sell the candies with drug-inspired names such as "Kronic Kandy" and "Pot Suckers."

The law says the candies promote drug use.

Senator Doug Stoner pushed the bill in the senate. "I don't think that folks are aware this is going on," Stoner told Channel 2 in April. "It's mainly, from what I can tell, particularly targeted to minority communities."

State Representative Judy Manning said she was shocked to receive death threats over the bill to ban the candy. "Some people think their rights are their rights," she said.

Manning said the Georgia Bureau of Investigation traced her e-mail threat to Great Britain. “You just deal with those kinds of folks and do the best you can. But it sends the wrong kind of message to kids.”

Vote Hemp, a national organization that promotes the use of hemp products and tracks legislation, says the measure would make Georgia the first state to ban the sale of the candy to minors.
State Representative Judy Manning said she was shocked to receive death threats over the bill to ban the candy. "Some people think their rights are their rights," she said.

Um. Whose rights are they?

And yes... Stoner.. that's perfect.

I had no idea this existed. Why would you want it? Sounds like it would taste disgusting.
Right! I have never heard anyone say "I smoke pot for the taste". :yuk:

Well certain pot tastes like candy or fruit ala Lifeaver or Bubblegum or Fruity Pebbles, though I prefer it too have a more of a skunky stink ala Purple Haze or Jack Herer or the aptly titled Skunk, which you wouldnt think tastes good but it does.
What I find most humorous about this is that these southern hypocrites have such a big problem with candy that looks/tastes like pot, but that they didn't bother to include a ban on selling candy cigarettes to minors. Probably because the tobacco industry is so huge in the south that every politician down there has their pockets full of the hands of some tobacco lobbyist.

Of course this law is to protect minors, but if I want something that taste like pot, I'd rather make some actual hash/pot butter and cook/bake with it than suck on some crappy candy :yuk: that is formulated to taste similar.

Mmmmmm.... :grin:

** begins thinking about the "special fudge" she has leftover from 4/20 **

... and yes, Biffle I'm considering making some for PP this fall. :muahaha:
I hate Sonny Perdue more and more every day. This is the same asshole who, when Georgia was facing a drought, held a prayer service at the Governor's mansion to pray for rain. Yea, that'll fix the problem. I can't believe it's the year 2008 and we're still electing these dickheads.
I can't believe it's the year 2008 and we're still electing these dickheads.

Actually, I was thinking how much I couldn't believe a company would want to make candy that tastes like pot. Or people would buy it.

I guess I should start marketing Different flavors of Animal Fecal candy, it'd probably be a hit.
Right! I have never heard anyone say "I smoke pot for the taste". :yuk:

See you @ PP X???

I guess I should start marketing Different flavors of Animal Fecal candy, it'd probably be a hit.

Only with the Death Metal crowd...... :)

If someone could make those Harry Potter jelly beans that intentionally taste like dirt, why not?

IIRC, a co-worker went to one of the top jelly bean maker's (Jelly Belly, I think) factories with his family, and took a public tour. They had all kinds of nasty jelly beans there, including fish flavored....:yuk: