- Dec 18, 2004
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Check this story out.....not so much the banning of the pot like candy but more the name of the Senator that pushed the bill to stop the sells of the pot like candy. 
Georgia Law Bans Retailers From Selling 'Pot Candy' To Minors
POSTED: 10:26 am EDT May 7, 2008
UPDATED: 11:17 am EDT May 7, 2008
ATLANTA -- Georgia retailers soon will be banned from selling candy flavored to taste like marijuana to children.
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed a measure into law Wednesday that bans the sale of "marijuana flavored products" to minors -- anyone under 18 -- and calls for a fine of up to $500 for each offense.
The measure takes effect July 1st.
It targets businesses that sell the candies with drug-inspired names such as "Kronic Kandy" and "Pot Suckers."
The law says the candies promote drug use.
Senator Doug Stoner pushed the bill in the senate. "I don't think that folks are aware this is going on," Stoner told Channel 2 in April. "It's mainly, from what I can tell, particularly targeted to minority communities."
State Representative Judy Manning said she was shocked to receive death threats over the bill to ban the candy. "Some people think their rights are their rights," she said.
Manning said the Georgia Bureau of Investigation traced her e-mail threat to Great Britain. You just deal with those kinds of folks and do the best you can. But it sends the wrong kind of message to kids.
Vote Hemp, a national organization that promotes the use of hemp products and tracks legislation, says the measure would make Georgia the first state to ban the sale of the candy to minors.

Georgia Law Bans Retailers From Selling 'Pot Candy' To Minors
POSTED: 10:26 am EDT May 7, 2008
UPDATED: 11:17 am EDT May 7, 2008
ATLANTA -- Georgia retailers soon will be banned from selling candy flavored to taste like marijuana to children.
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed a measure into law Wednesday that bans the sale of "marijuana flavored products" to minors -- anyone under 18 -- and calls for a fine of up to $500 for each offense.
The measure takes effect July 1st.
It targets businesses that sell the candies with drug-inspired names such as "Kronic Kandy" and "Pot Suckers."
The law says the candies promote drug use.
Senator Doug Stoner pushed the bill in the senate. "I don't think that folks are aware this is going on," Stoner told Channel 2 in April. "It's mainly, from what I can tell, particularly targeted to minority communities."
State Representative Judy Manning said she was shocked to receive death threats over the bill to ban the candy. "Some people think their rights are their rights," she said.
Manning said the Georgia Bureau of Investigation traced her e-mail threat to Great Britain. You just deal with those kinds of folks and do the best you can. But it sends the wrong kind of message to kids.
Vote Hemp, a national organization that promotes the use of hemp products and tracks legislation, says the measure would make Georgia the first state to ban the sale of the candy to minors.