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Little Grasshopper
Nov 16, 2001
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Ladies, gentelmen, welcome to another chapter of Dr. |ngenius' amazing threads. Maybe you remember me of another great threads like "We all live dreamig", "What about movies" and "Sex is chupi".

In other threads of this same board, we shared words of our countries, expressions from our native language. So, in this thread we can post all these expressions needed when we travel and enter in a new world as a foreigners.

As I said before, chupi could be and adjective for something amazing or funny (the spanish lessons are chupi), or simply to agree with another opinions (Do you want to have sex with me? Chupi). Two great examples of the meaning of the word chupi, but you must know that chupi isn't a common spanish word, but I often use it. :D

@ Spanish phrase of the day: "El Perro de Final Vision no está en la esquina, está jugando a la cuatrola con los colegas" (The dog of F_V isn't at the corner, is playing card games with friends)
Yep, great ThePKH, it's funny to find words there. But often there are words, expressions or mottos that don't appear in dictionaries. This thread has started to post them and explain their meaning in english.

What can you post here? The typical phrases to introduce yourself when you're "hunting" girls or machotes :D or the basic expressions of your native language that are esential to travel, or simply unusual things you like to post here. Could be chupi to see a swedish man speaking in the spanish jargon. :)
in german: can always ask someone: "Na?!" (standard question)

or "auch hier?" or maybe "na, auch hier?!"

another interesting phrase for starting deep conversations is "schönes wetter heute." or better (because in this case the other person(s) are expected to reply) "schönes wetter heute, nicht wahr?"

that was the really basic stuff.
more is coming soon...
italian, lesson nr. 1: introducing yourself.

"ciao, non so una parola di italiano ma fingo molto bene. ho imparato tutto quello che so da rahvin, sul forum dei dark tranquillity"

trans. "hi, i can't speak a single word in italian but look how good i am at pretending. i learned everything i know from rahvin, dark tranquillity forum"

rahvin. (who wonders why he never posted on a 'sex is chupi' thread)
Ok, ok, many explanations for you all, my dear readers.

1) Isn't necessary to post the words or expressions you know of the other languages, just post things in languages you know better. (Follow the example of Maese Rhavin)

2) DON'T post the classic and often used nasty words, or almost be more polite and post them with some style, for example: "Tu mami es una señora de moral desviada" (Ufff, it's hard to translate. Maybe: "Your mom is a diverted morality woman??" Correct me, PapiMelon, if I'm wrong). So, Qsilver, you were too unpolite. :mad:

@ Nico16: I don't understand the meaning of that question, translate it.

@ShlomoSharf: That phrase is absolutely incoherent, lack of meaning.

@Rhave: Chupi, I like these italian lessons.
When encountering a Swedish female or male use the following expression : "tjenare, vad sägs om en öl?" it works all the time...

Translation "hallo, what about a beer?"

And another one for your pleasure: "ta mig till Göteborg, jag har hört att det är där allt roligt händer... När inte Göteborg befinner sig i Wacken vill säga"

That´d be "take me to Gothenburg, I´ve heard that it´s there all the funny stuff happens... That is, when not all of Gothenurg is at Wacken"

Stupid phrase.

-phyros (king of ramblings, don´t hit me, I´ll be good from now on... Seriously! No kiddin´! Well, I´ll try anyway...)
Originally posted by |ngenius
2) DON'T post the classic and often used nasty words, or almost be more polite and post them with some style, for example: "Tu mami es una señora de moral desviada" (Ufff, it's hard to translate.

ah, the fine art of euphemism! then i will suggest trying:
"ho l'impressione che tu sia stato partorito in una casa di appuntamenti".
trans. "i have a feeling your birth took place in a brothel."

@|ngenius: lesson nr. 0 in italian is: spell rahvin's name correctly! watch where you put that 'h'! ;)

@ Today: Introducing yourself.

There are many expressions you can say to introduce yourself to a girl(s) when you come out, depending on the time.

During the night, you see a pretty girl near you in a spanish pub. Then, you must approach to her and say: "La luz de la luna te proporciona un aspecto maravilloso. Desde mi cama podrás ver la luna".

Translation: "The light of the moon reflecting on you is wondering. From my bed you'll see the moon too" (And then you'll show her your sexual skills).

Unpolite phrase to introduce yourself (the wrong way):

"Tronca, te he visto y me pones a mil, te vienes y formamos una família?

Translation: "Hey, dude, I'm hot seeing you, come with me and we can constitute a family togeher"

@Rahvin.... better? That "h" is bad placed. :D
There is one German "introductory phrase" that has been forgotten:

"Kennen wir uns nicht?"

which translates roughly as

"Haven't we got to know each other before?"
There are many expressions you can say to introduce yourself to a girl(s)

|ngenius: And what if you are a girl and you want to introduce yourself to a guy? :mad: :p

Anyway, I'm not posting any phrases here yet, I'm just not in a mood..
Originally posted by Siren
|ngenius: And what if you are a girl and you want to introduce yourself to a guy? :mad: :p

that first sentence was pretty interchangeable, unless you think only girls are likely to appreciate the moon, or a bedroom. :)
there is the fact that in most countries a girl being so direct in showing her appreciation to a guy would be considered too straightforward. but that's what centuries of male sexism do for you. ;)

Never mind, it's enough that I'll know what this means if anyone says it to me :p

Siren (who's feeling pretty down and has no idea why she just said that)
Originally posted by Siren
Siren (who's feeling pretty down and has no idea why she just said that)

usually one says he/she's feeling down because he/she does. :p
if it's us (me?) that made you feel down with this whole thread and comments, i'm sure |ngenius will be happy to change the topic (he's such a warm-hearted person) and i... uh... will be happy to go to sleep?? :confused: we want all people to be chupi. ;)

rahvin. (doctor online. for further discussions send pm's)
We have a gorgeous italian teacher, so I won't even try to imitate HIM- I will introduce you to the most important aspects of italian: the language all the romans speak: er romano.

"Ao', sto a strippa" - Hey, I'm scared
"Sghiscio!" - I find this object dead trendy. I love it, I would die to get it.
"Damose" -Let's go away.
"Me piasce 'na cifra/ 'n botto" - I like it so much
"Ao', s'aricabbardamo" - See you
"Me se ripropone" - I think that the lunch we had today was heavy. I feel the uncontrollable urge to kiss the porcelaine God/dess

more to come.

@rahvin: Don't worry, both you and |ngenius are chupi ;)

And for the sake of this thread, I'll teach you some greek ;p

1)ÊáëçìÝñá / Kalimera

trans: Goodmorning (maybe you already know that ;p)

2)Åßóáé ðïëý üìïñöç / Eisai poly omorfi

trans: You are very beautiful (written as said to a girl)

3)Èåò íá âãïýìå ôï âñÜäõ? / Thes na bgoume to brady?

trans: Do you want to go out with me tonight?

4)ÈÝëù íá ðÜù óôçí ÐÜôñá íá äù ôç ìéêñÞ ÓåéñÞíá. Èá ìïõ äåßîåôå ôï äñüìï? / Thelo na paw sthn Patra na dw th mikrh Seirina. Tha mou dei3ete to dromo?

trans: I want to go to Patras to see (the) little Siren. Will you show me the way? :p (Ok, you better not say that to anyone ;p)

Siren (who apologizes if the pick-up lines she chose are lame, but how would she know ;p)

PS: "ei" -> pronounced as "i"
"ai" -> pronounced as "e"
"y" -> pronounced as "i" too
"w" -> pronounced as "o" is a lesson used by many african american students, and quite often, white american students as well!

- Yo homey, lets bounce to da hizouse and light it up foo

Translation: Hello friend, shall we go to your house and partake in a medicinal herb?

- Hey foo, dont make me bust a cap in yo ass!

Translation: Excuse me sir, please do not continue to insult me or I shall be urged to use excesive force!

- Oh shoot dawg! That girl is fine! I wanna get allll up on that!

Translation: Excuse me friend, did you happen to notice that lass over yonder? She is quite beautiful and I should like to take her to the ball this evening.

more to come my good friends!