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soooooooooooo I just can't stop laughing!!! I love this new thread, and specially because I imagine my beloved robot saying all those things about the moon!!!!
I'll start lessons and post here from time to time....and as I live in Barcelona and as you know we have this Catalan here (and some ppl are unrespectfull enough to keep talking catalan all the way down, I'll do some in catalan some in spanish)

Entiendes de electricidad??? crees que esto es corriente??? (getting underpants off)
trst: Do you know about electricity??? do you believe this is current???
of course, If you say this without laughing that much I'll give you the prize you want :D

Me puede dar un periódico??? /// Could you give me the newspaper...
If the dude doesn't...just try with this
Ehmmm perdone, me da el periódico?? /// Sorry, may you give it to me????
and if that doesn't work...
Oye tarado, te he dicho que me des el puto periódico /// You bastard, I've told you to give me the fucking newspaper...

now the catalan one....
Setze jutges d'un jutjat mengen fetges d'un penjat
ehmmm nah! I won't translate's way too stupid ;)

astarte: I hope you stranlate rabbit in the filth way is meant to be ;)
@atlantis: i thought gorgeous was about esthetics.
upon reading the last entry of your crash-course i had an outburst of laughing that lasted for a couple of hours. mostly, i was haunted by images of you at a party excusing yourself from the rest of the crowd with a polite and well-accented 'scusate, me se ripropone'. you were almost always wearing a miss piggy mask. i occasionally still replay the mindscape in my head and cannot keep a straight face, thus prejudicing my working day/place and academic activities. :rolleyes:

@|ngenius, @fathervic: i'm sure one could never translate the beauty of those spanish expressions in english. 'oy, tarado' just rolls off the tongue, and so does 'tronca, te he visto y me pones a mil'.

@final_vision: :lol: '... that lass over yonder ...' :lol:

rahvin. (has been called chupi:hotjump: )
@ rahve:
Roman lords & ladies, during fox hunting or horse riding, usually go for "Ao', me dovete da perdona' ma mme se ripropone popo" (I'm so sorry, I really have to throw up st.") , elegant paraphrase for "Scusate me se ripropone", plebeian wording.
As you may see, I belong to far too high classes to accept the second one.

@ ingenious, mastermelon, final v. and anybody else: THANK YOU guys/girls. I feel less ignorant today.

Some more: the day you'll be in this eternal traffic addicted scooter land capital, remember something that is going to help you in the most important events of the everyday life: trying to 'seduce' a girl or a boy...
If you have to ask "Do you like me?", say, smiling and looking at him/her in the eyes "T'arisurto?"...
But be careful: the answer "No, m'arimbarzi" is a strict: No thanks, I'd rather choke or eat a beaver with all its fur.
@pacity: Let me correct you these useless words:

- Me cacho en diez ---> Correct form: Me caGo en diez, with a "G".
Direct translation: I shit in ten (haahahahahhahaha)

After ten minutes laughing...

That expression is like to say: "Fuck!".

- "Es un rollo" is the correct form, and means something makes you feel so bored.

@Siren: Thank you! Yeah, you were in the right way, because I'm quite chupi. :grin: Thanks for posting some words in your language, and if we can help you with something...

@tlantis & Rahve: It seems the italian army of this board have changed their avatars to non-chupi new ones. :p Rahvin, that's true, isn't so easy to translate the whole meaning, but this thread has started to have a bit of fun too. :lol:

@Final Vision: Tu castellano es chunguísimo, tronco.
Originally posted by |ngenius
@Siren: Thank you! Yeah, you were in the right way, because I'm quite chupi. :grin: Thanks for posting some words in your language, and if we can help you with something...

You are welcome :) I'm always in the right way though :p
It was my pleasure to post here, I might post some more as soon as I figure out what to post :P
Oh, and for the help thing.. A free ticket and a guide for Spain or any other country represented on this board, would be just fine :D

Edit: another typo.. that vB code is driving me crazy..
@pacity: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Can't stop laughing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok, if your spanish friend said it... All my life living in Spain and I discovered too late I'm an ignorant with my native language, HAHAHAHAHA.

@tlantis: Don't shit in love until I know what in hell is. Glad to see you feeling chupi. :D

@Siren: Chupi, I'll talk with Iberia to see if they bring me some free tickets.

@pacity: Still laughing!!!! :lol:
@Opactiy...that sentence, being translated strictly means nothing!
I can assure you...really!!! buuuuuuttt ppl from the Madrid area tend to be silly enough to use eufemisms in the wrong they just change phrases at their will.... In the case of this sentence (and that's why our beloved but tarado robot laughs) "Me cacho en diez"'s some sort of eufemism of "Me cago en dios" The second one is the one that would mean "I shit on God" (no the gods...since we just have one here....the others just ranaway!) Now, cacho (as a verb) it's not used in the 80% os Spain...and as a noun means "piece" or "a lot"...

@rest: I love this :)
soooo I'll go on with classes once started by |ngenius

if you want to say to a girl you like her there are two ways!
nice way: Perdona, pero no puedo dejar de pensar en lo bella que eres....(sorry, but I can't stop thinking how beuatyful you are)
rude way: Chochitooooooo pedazo de cuerpo que diós te ha dao! (pussssssyyyyyyyy, fucking great body god gave to ya!)
***note for the femist*** this can be switched to a male if you want, but you won't be rude huh? :p

and now the catalan....
No m'agrada el gelat de chocolata!
I don't like chocolate icecream!

so that's all folks....more lessons in future posts!
El Perro de la esquina esta en el aeropuerto con fathervic y |ngenious por que el no tiene los gatos de diablo. Que Dice? Las papas fritas es muy GRANDE! NO ME GUSTA! Por que las papas fritas tiene rojo gatos? Si presidente santiago! Aqui para el futbol americano? NO! NO SOY ENCANTO LOS TIGRES DEL NORTE!

and now my lesson in german, but in the slang talked in and around vienna(most of the more northern living germans won't understand this:):
"hearst, oida wos is, host gestern de dark tranquility g'sehn? hobn vui gfetzt, oda, voigas! woarn de leiwand oda wos?"
translates roughly:
hey man, did you see the dark tranquility concert yesterday? they were really awesome, what an intense performence! weren't they great?"
@Master Melon: As far as I know, "me cago en diez" is an exclamation usually used by ppl from Andalucia, and my direct translation "I shit on ten" refers to ten ppl, meaning you're as "machote" as you can shit on some ppl without consequences. But nothing about God or a concilium of gods at all. :p

|ngenius (discussing about useless things)
In case you'll find yourself in the fatherland of stinky cheese,bitter wine, and people who wash themselves once a week, you guessed it France, here are what you can say in misc situations:

_Asking fire to a girl: hé poulette, tu voudrais allumer ma tige ?
_Asking a woman if she wants to taste the pipe you're smoking (formal): que diriez-vous d'une petite pipe, madame ?
_Compliment a woman about her cat: quelle belle chatte vous avez là, madame!
_Asking a man a drive in his car: puis-je essayer votre bel engin, monsieur ?

And a very useful word:
_a beautiful bitt/mooring post: une belle bite
Following with that mostly unknown language, the catalan, we can learn some classical expressions. I like specially this one:

"De mica en mica, s'omple la pica" (Translate: Bit a bit, is filling the.... pic? Hahahaha, no, no, that wasn't a mistake, I don't know how to translate it accurately. But the meaning is that step by step something can be completed).
I wouldn't presume to be able to teach more of Italian than rahvin or atlantis could (@atlantis: if you hadn't put the translation in english, I wouldn't have understood anything of what you said in roman :p), so I was wondering if I could start some japanese language lessons... but first, do all of you read japanese characters with your computer?
I'd start with teaching the syllabic alphabets, the hiragana and the katakana...

Word of the day: Œu (hotaru), which means 'firefly'.
Originally posted by The Trou-Peur
In case you'll find yourself in the fatherland of stinky cheese,bitter wine, and people who wash themselves once a week, you guessed it France, here are what you can say in misc situations:

_Asking fire to a girl: hé poulette, tu voudrais allumer ma tige ?
_Asking a woman if she wants to taste the pipe you're smoking (formal): que diriez-vous d'une petite pipe, madame ?
_Compliment a woman about her cat: quelle belle chatte vous avez là, madame!
_Asking a man a drive in his car: puis-je essayer votre bel engin, monsieur ?

And a very useful word:
_a beautiful bitt/mooring post: une belle bite

Aahahaha!!! Funny, really...

You french (or french speaking...) can be really _mean_ .....lovely;)
oh, I guess I gave some lessons on the wrong thread then....
well I won't give more lessons....(overload warning in my brain)
but I'll complete the hilarious post of |ngenius....
De mica en mica, s'omple la pica
little by little the sink is getting filled (but you got the formal translation from him.....)

@|ng: "the pic"?? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
y también un poco de "shit by the leg down" no??? :p
*my first post in the majestic thread!!*but hmmmm it won't be any serious posting :o just a short comment

about this catalanian expression "De mica en mica, s'omple la pica",we actually have some saying like that here,too! Ours is about beans... "fasouli fasouli gemizei to sakouli" (sounds funny :lol: ) and yup,it means that step by step sth can be completed

ooh,i can't view japanese letters,i see just a squeare