You don't know how begin to learn more languages? Just click here!!!

and me will use a shitty online translator ;)

"Already we are afresh(again) .... yours parents have not said to you that(that) speaking in a language that the rest does not understand belongs to bad educaci ??? "

hehe sure they have,but hey you little gossip you don't have to understand everything will say!! respect other people's privacy :grin:
:p :loco:
Originally posted by Thanatos
ok so I clicked here and I haven't learnt a thing, except that I want some signora al pomodoro

it doesn't say you're going to learn anything. it merely suggests you to click here if you don't know how to begin. all other implications are way beside the point. :p

Jag will d"oda din hund med en motorsag.
(Sorry can't do the symbols with this keyboard..)
It's Swedish for: I want to kill your dog with a chainsaw. (Or some other saw.. I don't know the English word for it.) I am Dutch and speak some Swedish and French, and pretty good English and German. (Except for words like 'chainsaw')
useless italian lesson:

chainsaw = motosega. old: sega a motore.

your dog = il tuo cane. notice the need of an article (il) even though a possessive adjective (tuo) is present.

rahvin. (noticed)
i feel compelled to add that "sega" (saw), without any motore, is also Italian for "male masturbation", and it is also used in:

"Ma fatti una sega!" (go take a wank) = bugger off, stop annoying me
"Non me ne importa una sega" = I don't give a fuck
"Ho fatto sega stamattina" = I didn't go to school (truancy) this morning
"Sei una mezza sega" = you are totally unworthy

A "segaiolo" is a wanker and it has the same connotations of that word.

h (masturbation saved my life)
hyena is absolutely right. this is also part of the reason why italians always looked with some suspect at game consoles such as the "sony sega master system" and the "sony sega megadrive" (genesis in the us). :)

Joisjosisjosijsojsisjois! (spanish extreme laughing sound). "Sega" is the most useful word that we all can learn!

"Ma fatti una sega!" --> It sounds so weird if I try to make a straight translation to spanish taking the masturbation meaning for "sega". :p

* motosega = motosierra
* il tuo cane = tu perro

@hyena: Try out with reciprocal masturbations, they are the next phase. ;)

@ rahvin : what's "Sony" doing there with Sega ? They are entirely different things

Anyway, that also makes watching Kevin Smith's movies funnier for italians , we often have an added meaning to the label " Sega boy" that actor Jason Lee got to his char.s
(cfr Mallarats / Chasing Amy)
Originally posted by rahvin
italian, lesson nr. 1: introducing yourself.

"ciao, non so una parola di italiano ma fingo molto bene. ho imparato tutto quello che so da rahvin, sul forum dei dark tranquillity"

trans. "hi, i can't speak a single word in italian but look how good i am at pretending. i learned everything i know from rahvin, dark tranquillity forum"


I only know bad Filipino words or single words.

Mahal Kita!!! - I Love You

Puede ba kitang kainin? - Can I eat you?

Both can be usefull?!!?:spin: :grin:
Originally posted by Aeonstream
@ rahvin : what's "Sony" doing there with Sega ? They are entirely different things

i saw online infos stating the sega consoles were at least distributed (if not precisely released) by sony. am i a hopeless wreck so wrong that he couldn't find his own bubu with the help of a very proficient bubu-seeker? :confused:

@|ng: i'm in a hurry from now to friday night (???), but I promise that come that day - or possibly the following one - I will write every italian sentence about mutual masturbation I could dream about.

hey nice thread
I wanted to start learning spanish next year,but now Im scarred,the language seems not easy :-(
italian is nice but i was forced to learn latin during 8 years at school so this scarres me more

and for bon appetit,yes in german its guten appetit but noone uses this,everyone wishes "mahlzeit"(lunchtime)