You guys are gonna kill me but....


AKA Addicted To Death
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
I just heard Death for the first time today and i really dug 'em. Of course i know Chuck is dead, but that's about how far ago when knowing Death. So what Cds do you guys think are their best?? I think i'm gonna buy The Sound of Perseverance first.

P.S. Don't rip me too big of an asshole okay guys? :p
Thank you for sparing my worthless life!;)

Well after listening through a ton of music from Death, i can honestly say how sorry i am for being so late! :cry: I now appreciate what Chuck did and i truly miss him. What an awesome, awesome band! Gonna go listen to some more...
Well Now Shoot me ppl, I first listened to Death in 92 or 93 I think, and hated them cause back then I was not into death metal...........

let me ask u this...........what do they did different then any other death metal act from USA? Should I start over?
They are far more technical, the amount of musicianship in that band was amazing...

Sean Reinert, Gene Hoglan, Richard Christie...all great great drummers..

James Murphy and Chuck on guitars *drool*

Id suggest Scream Bloody Gore, or Human.
i've been early into death (duh ;) ), but never really dug them that. my personal choices are itp and human. oh, and i like something out of sbg too.

much too often we discover bands we like a lot long after they're gone. it's happened to me so many times, it's not even funny that either. :)

For me the best Death albums are Human, Individual Thought Patterns and Symbolic. Best by far. I´m currently in a "Death listening spree" and must say that the band (and Chuck of course) is genius.