you know how the phone is ringing and you're not answering it?


Aug 2, 2002
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(which i do all the time) well, you know how sometimes people call... then hang up and don't leave a message and then call back 1/2 a second later?

why do they do that?
I'm getting telemarketer messages on my machine every day now. I need to turn don my machine, because while the rings don't wake me, their awful, fake radio DJ voices do.
im serious too. i mean my home phone, by the way, dont know about you. yea, leave me a fucking message. and, duh, i have caller ID so i know if you call all day, so you dont actually have to leave a message, but i like it if you do.

preppy, i bet you can identify with NOT FUCKING WANTING TO TALK TO ANYONE RIGHT NOW, THNX!!!
dude. SAYIN.
bigfakesmile knows where it's at.

see, this is the thing. it happens at home too, but now i am at work. and my work voicemail says "WE OPEN AT 10". i am here early trying to get shit done and the phone is like BLING BLING BLING BLING BLING every 2 seconds and now whoever it is will NOT get a call back from me because they've worked my nerves to the frazzled ends :(
I hate that. I don't answer the phone unless I absolutely have to, and I used to never answer it at all. Sometimes I'd be home alone and the phone would ring and I wouldn't answer it because of course it wouldn't be for me and whoever it was could just leave a message so I wouldn't have to take one and remember it or write it down. But NO! They would just keep calling and the incessant RING RING RING would drive me crazy, so I can definitely relate.