You laugh, you lose...

I did not make it. I hate those inspirational poster things. Just loved the actual picture :D

Dude, I'm sorry to hear that, truly I am. But first off, as George Carlin says, anything can be made funny. It's part of life. Also, I didn't make the pic, I just laughed and re-posted it.

I mean, my uncle (my dad's twin brother in fact) died of aids in '96. He suffered many, many months before he did. It was aweful. Does that mean I have a right to freak out whenever someone says "lol aids" or shit like that? No. It doesn't.

Same applies anything. Everyone has someone who's been affected directly by something horrible that is sometimes used as a joke. Whether it be rape, or whatever.

I meant in in gest, nothing against you or your family's suffering. I wish you the best seriously. But as a joke, you can't take these things to heart.

Sorry if I offended you though.

Right Heartless_Name I really appreciate the fact that you can make rough jokes AND are able to apologize if you offend someone. Good for you!
I don't know if this is funny, or just plain sad. Anyway...
