You Mix It! 1st Walk As Chaos Vox - BOGRENIZED

Man, this song kicks fucking ass and the production/mix is truly awesome! Everything perfectly fits everything.
This reminds me a question I keep in mind for a longtime each time I "mix" (can ya say obsession?): the quest of the perfect glue! Didn't find the Grail though Ahahah! Thanks for sharing this :headbang:
Thanks guys! Haven't checked this in a while, cool to hear more mixes.

Man, this song kicks fucking ass and the production/mix is truly awesome! Everything perfectly fits everything.
This reminds me a question I keep in mind for a longtime each time I "mix" (can ya say obsession?): the quest of the perfect glue! Didn't find the Grail though Ahahah! Thanks for sharing this :headbang:

Thanks man, looking back the mix is kinda 'weird' in ways, not my clearest or most balanced or anything... Nonetheless I dig it, the emotion of the song was conveyed and I think that's the most important thing!
Here's an early version of my mix to come!
It's 4 am and my ears are worn out, i need to get some rest before i continue tomorrow.

TOP NOTCH tracks! Seriously..

Kinda happy with the guitar tone so far :)

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What an awesome song that was!
Who is the singer? He has a great range and voice.
And a very entertaining and learning experience to mix. :)

Heres my version: [Edited with newer version, for great justice!]
The guitars are mostly a Mesa Boogie Studio preamp and an ADA MP-1 added in there for flavor.
Drums are SD2 with a seperate kick sample blended in.
Everything else is free plugins.

I would really appreciate some feedback, since I'm still learning my new monitors.
AWESOME song!!

Original as fuck, fresh riffs, great vocals and patterns.. will have a go at this mix later, but i just needed to drop this first.
Found this thread today and decided to have a go. Absolutely love the song aswell dude, been playing it over and over. Reminds me of Textures so much ;D Anyway, here's my attempt.

Used my HD201s so it's probably not that great. Thanks Sacha for the raw tracks :)
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Here's my mix!

PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME HOW IT SOUNDS! I'm just learning so I need as much advice as possible please.
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