You Open one of the 998 boxes and find...

You open one of the 997 boxes on this floor and find...

A strange yellow mushy substance, smelling faintly of strawberries. Apparently able to stretch to infinite lengths, it is nonetheless almost indestructible. A sticker attached to it reads "Alpha Centauri Luggage Check-in".

Hmm, must be Londo Mollari's.
Heh, I've gotten a few of those already as repeats (the DaVinci one, the Trumpet of Jericho, and the self-jigsaw puzzle).

You open one of the 996 boxes on this floor and find...
A plain wooden cup, very ancient looking. Carbon dating will place it at around 2,000 years old.

I was gipped... :lol:

"Now THIS is the cup of a Carpenter!
--Errm, probably Karen's, not Richard's." :heh:

I drop the corpse of the Carpenters' musical fame and.....

...I open one of the 999 boxes on this floor and find...
A large pinecone painted crayon-blue. On its underside is painted, in a squiggly hand, "Property of Robert!" This pinecone will always be hard to hold on to; it will always try to roll back to its owner, where ever he is. It makes a good tracking device, but only for someone looking for Robert.

Damnit. I was hoping for that $50 wallet. :lol:
NO! Hands off that's *MINE*! :heh: :lol:

Don't worry, there's probably a few of those.

I like the cylinders that contain life-sized figures of the members of the party that opened the crate...and then the figures awaken, each with complete memories up to that point, and the party members become still and lifeless. The 'figures' are actually real, and the original explorers turn out to be androids.... :)