Couldnt find Single Recto settings for the life of me


Sep 26, 2011
Denver, Colorado
Hey guys, My band is wanting to record with a tube amp for our ep, so, i say okay.
i cannot find "recommended" settings for a single recto v2 anywhere. its going through a crate cab(surprisingly great, will try to get actual speakers later) that is barely oversized. we have a pretty decent tone right now, but i dont want it to be shit compared to what it could have been if i just asked, you know?
we have a tubescreamer in front of it right now. sm57 on one speaker, center on cone, and a cascade m20u in front of the cone, both bussed to the same channel with andy's c4 setting on it
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what are the settings on now?
what pickups?

i recommend never using recommended settings... tone starts in ur wrist and ends in the computer.
Unlike with most manufacturers, the demo settings on Mesa's manuals are usually really good, but remember to use new strings and good pickups. Plus they have a really good description of the sweet spots at least on the Dual Rectifiers manual (edit: Looks like they have them on the Single Rectos manual too). Also their manuals really funny to read.

Greetings From The Home Of Tone
YOU, the smart player and all around intuitive human, have put your trust in us to
be your amplifier company. This is something we do not take lightly. Our reward is
that we’ve made a classic amplifier and by choosing this amplifier, you have become
part of the Mesa family...Welcome! Our goal is to never let you down. Your reward is
that you are now the owner of an amp bred of fine all tube heritage...benefiting from
the many patented pioneering Mesa/Boogie circuits. Feel confident, as we do, this
amp will inspire many hours of musical satisfaction and lasting enjoyment. It was
built with you in mind, by players who know the value of a fine musical instrument
and the commitment it takes to make great music. The same commitment to quality,
value and support we make to you...our new friend.

And the manual has like "REST AREA" and presets are not called anything less than like


Legit guys. thanks, ill try that today when i get a chance to get the head back over here. Also, it wasnt my playing, it was just some random bullshit my guitarist played lol. he is gonna be using an esp avatar(?) with emg81s. we used a realy nice schector yesterday with a thruneck and passive pickups. i gotta get myhands on his manual. Thanks guys
Tbh, this is a hardly decent tone :/. Way too fizzy, try moving back your mic a bit and put it a bit less close to the center (which is usually, unless the speakers are quite dark, fizz city).