you think i'd be able to find a cheap used copy of master of puppets

i had this battle over the weekend with my bf because he said the enter sandman album was really good and i just stared at him like he had snot all over his face.
meh. i really didn't like it at all. i thought the songs were so totally corny and i was embarrassed for them, especially that god awful fucking video.
and that video was CORNY dude sayin. i was so bummed when it came out. before that i used to prance around with my sleeveless metal up your ass shirt on with pride!
actually, i think the only metallica album i own on cd is the black one w/ enter sandman. the others i still have on tape (justice, puppets, garage days, kill..) and i have ride the lightening on vinyl which I paid 50 cents for. i do wish now that back when i was buying the tapes at target that i'd have bought all those other ones i saw at Target (Creeping Death, etc.). I'd totally sell them all.

oh wait, i do have some of those radio singles from load from when i did the radio show. they don't have any extra stuff, just like 1 song per disc- and the radio version only.
I sold all my metallica CDs in high school, during a three month long, "fuck posers" phase I was going through at the time.

I totally cranked Manowar "Power of Thy Sword" on a daily basis in the parking lot.
all i can really say is this: it was a feeling. i <3'd metallica. i was SO SO SO totally into them! and then when the enter sandman album came out, i literally just couldn't stand them anymore. it's hard to explain why, i just didn't like the change at all.
well i probably didn't. but i loved them a lot! my love was divided b/w them, nirvana, and the rolling stones during h.s.