you want to know how domestic i am?

yeah well, my usual weekend plans are this: cook lots of food for the week or try new complex recipes, bake bread, laundry, entertain/exercise the dog, clean house. maybe a dvd might be involved, especially if foster a puppy overnight as we often do. sometimes we visit with the parents, too. excitement!
Originally posted by XzanderX
I don't even have a driver's license
Actually, I don't either right now. They take your license in Illinois when you get a ticket.

Get this shit: I ran a red light. Ok, so it happens. The guy gave me a ticket for that, a ticket for an out of date address on my insurance, and one for an out of date address on my license. 3 $#!@$ Tickets! I've only lived at this address for one month, and now I have to change all this stuff to that address, and now I won't even be living there after Nov 1st. Won't even be in the same state. I'm thinking of just getting a Missouri license and forgetting the IL one, but I'd rather not have a warrant on my ass.