You'll love this one, Billy


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004
gotta love the American freedom that allows for this to go on in our own streets.

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First Off the Muslim jackass is calling for no more fear but of course he refuses to be filmed because he knows I will kill him. Now I have to search the streets for that particular type of camouflage pants and innocents will get hurt.

Also, Once again these Islamic Dune Coons mention strip clubs.

I found their Rhetoric kind of Anthrax like . Uninteresting and Repetitive.

First Off the Muslim jackass is calling for no more fear but of course he refuses to be filmed because he knows I will kill him. Now I have to search the streets for that particular type of camouflage pants and innocents will get hurt.

Also, Once again these Islamic Dune Coons mention strip clubs.

I found their Rhetoric kind of Anthrax like . Uninteresting and Repetitive.

some of those muzzies tried some of that street crap down here, right after 9/11.
that didnt go over too well with some of the good 'ol boys in this area.
they found theirselves carrying a major-league, old fashioned, country beat down.
the stores they'd set up went out of business, too.
some of those muzzies tried some of that street crap down here, right after 9/11.
that didnt go over too well with some of the good 'ol boys in this area.
they found theirselves carrying a major-league, old fashioned, country beat down.
the stores they'd set up went out of business, too.

yeah what do they think they have the freedom to
yeah what do they think they have the freedom to

sure... they've got freedom to assemble, and so they did. do they have freedom to celebrate the WTC towers coming down and the death of thousands of innocent Americans? ok... freedom of speech.
those good 'ol boys down in Cheraw put some freedoms of their own into action.
they carried out the freedom of expression by letting those muzzies know just how upset they were by seeing foreigners on American soil, celebrating the death of Americans.

if you think they were right for celebrating the death of Americans and that the Americans that took action against them were the 'bad guys,' i highly suggest you steer clear of Cheraw, SC. you wouldnt enjoy the pro-American climate.
You can't have true freedom without it being offensive at times. If they want to do that, so be it. You have the right to express your disgust, but the title makes it sound like you don't think it should be allowed.
sure... they've got freedom to assemble, and so they did. do they have freedom to celebrate the WTC towers coming down and the death of thousands of innocent Americans? ok... freedom of speech.
those good 'ol boys down in Cheraw put some freedoms of their own into action.
they carried out the freedom of expression by letting those muzzies know just how upset they were by seeing foreigners on American soil, celebrating the death of Americans.

if you think they were right for celebrating the death of Americans and that the Americans that took action against them were the 'bad guys,' i highly suggest you steer clear of Cheraw, SC. you wouldnt enjoy the pro-American climate.

You have the freedom to celebrate anything you want.....You dont have the freedom to impede anyone else's freedom......when you do that your a criminal.......:loco:.....
You have the freedom to celebrate anything you want.....You dont have the freedom to impede anyone else's freedom......when you do that your a criminal.......:loco:.....

i'll take those American 'criminals' over those muslim animals any day.
i'll take those American 'criminals' over those muslim animals any day.

thats freedom in action sister.....I will say this...out of the three major religions Islam is the worst....I'd rather deal with a a dirty jew or hypocrite christian over some backward ass muslim.
That I have pissed on a koran more than once..

good for you, Billy!!
as for me, i'm seriously thinking of having a picture of Mohammed imprinted inside my toilet bowl, so that when i pray to the porcelain god, i'll see him.
thats freedom in action sister.....I will say this...out of the three major religions Islam is the worst....I'd rather deal with a a dirty jew or hypocrite christian over some backward ass muslim.

Yeah! And those Buddhist sumbitches too!

Every time I see that Dalai Lama on TV, smiling like some down, I feel like kicking in his fuckin teeth!

Eight-fold pieces of shit, every one of em!!!
