Your Attitudes To And While Trading


May 13, 2002
Coventry, UK
I was wondering, those of you who trade music (and in particular those who swap albums); what exactly do you look for? Is trading a cheap way of getting the albums you know you want, or a good way to check out a band you've never heard of? Do you prefer to trade originals or copies - and if it's copies, why do you do it this way rather than just going on Direct Connect or Kazaa? Is it a question of bandwidth only?

Finally, what's the best trade you've ever made, where for example you discovered a now-favourite band for the first time or finally scored a hard-to-find classic that you'd been lusting after?
well i don't trade a lot, but it's a good way to (if you can find a match) trade cds/vinyls you don't like for something you do. trading for copies might be good if you're on a dial up connection, but with broadband i see no reason really
spaffe said:
well i don't trade a lot, but it's a good way to (if you can find a match) trade cds/vinyls you don't like for something you do. trading for copies might be good if you're on a dial up connection, but with broadband i see no reason really

Trading with copies preserves the original sound quality, whereas trading on the net usually doesn't. I think its a great way to save money on music, but I refuse to do it if the band is in dire need of support. For example, I've played The Chasm's Conjuration of the Spectral empire for several friends who loved it but I wouldn't burn it for them, and I wouldn't let them borrow it when they liked what they heard because I wanted them to buy it and give some support to a band that deserves it. I act the same way about Daath, since they don't have much of a fanbase quite yet. But for bands like In Flames for example, I downloaded the new album before it came out, wrote a review on it, and now that its failed the one month longevity test I have no intention of buying it and will openly give it to whoever wants it.