Your band

I'm in a band called Hammering Moss. We are experimental um.. music, with a dash of humor, and a splash of metal influences.

We haven't got any gigs, or CD's. We aren't completely a serious band yet, BUT, eventually we will aim for bigger things.

But sofar we have a website where you can download our music. The Link is in my signature.

We have release Albums on the internet, and help competitions here on UM for album cover designs.

We've been recording since 1999.

Please check us out!

Master Moss and Klaha are also in the band, and Sullen Jester is our PR guy, Webmaster, and all round helping guru.
Well ive spoken enough about my music of late to annoy everyone..

but maybe not so much of my band...

currently we are:
Trent : guitars
Ben : drums
Me : guitar
Luke : vocals

looking for a bass player...

i only joined 2 months ago now.... have 45 minutes worth of original music learnt.. they still ahve a lot more songs that im yet to learn though, and trent pumps out riffs and songs liek theres no tomorrow so theres not much time for the old stuff..

we plan on recording an album somehow later this year, probably about half way through at the earliest.. itll be self funded though.. still got a lot of decisions on when and where and how to do that..

our music:
songs from 5 - 13 minutes long. Lots of different extreme metal influences... slam, black metal, death metal, melodic death, etc, etc.... all presented in an onslaught of forever changing twin guitar riffs.. and now im starting to add the opeth influence here and there but only in small proportions.. a lot of you wouldnt like it because its too extreme, and i dont love it all, but im having fun... and as you all know by now i write my own music by myself in the style that i love... so yeh trent will remain the lead writer in unthroned, i take the secondary writing role with ben and luke.

and as for gigs, there is only 1 possible venue to play metal here, and even that is a very rare occasion, so im not too hopeful
Originally posted by Hearse
We haven't done any gigs't yet, but we're aiming to do so.
There are links in my signature to our pages were you can listen/dnload full songs of us, and theres link to our homapages.

We just added some new graphic pics on our pages :)

we play somewhat progressive melodic death metal, which is still instrumental, cause we have problems with getting vocalist. So we're currently searching one talented sexy bitch (male) vocalist. :D

A gig in Helsinki area would be cool. In Factory for eg..
:) Just me know as live near of Helsinki.
Me and one other dude have been writing song from last autumn.
Our stuff reminds a lot of Opeth, our main influence:) We´re about to search new band members from Helsinki area. Bassist, vocalist and drummer needed...:p
My bands have all split up. :cry:
I sang and played keyboards for a goth/doom band called Embrace, played keyboards for more of a power metal band (though this one's hard to describe) called Prophecy, and sang in an industrial band called Automatic Response. Now I have to play all by myself, which at times is much less frustrating.
Even though we've split up, the Embrace and Prophecy CDs are going to be onsale in the UM store soon.
Right now I'm in the recording studio with my new band, "North". We only got together just before christmas, and are in the studio working on 5 songs. We're hoping to have an album ready by the end of march, and we should be playing some Toronto gigs around the same time if we're lucky.

The music is impossible to categorize. It's got tons of influences, and is extremely diverse, though it is totally metal. The main essence of the music seems to be a dissection/Opeth/Death feel, mixed with a pagan older Borknagarish style. There is a good chance we will be covering either The Philosopher, Symbolic, or Scavenger of Human Sorrows. I'll post mp3's when we finish for those interested.

And of course, there's Wars of Winter, in my signature, though we haven't recorded or played anywhere recently. However, there will probably be some new tunes in the near future as well.
Right now i have 2 Bands. My old band Koldun its on the process of recruiting a new Bass player, my friend was calling her today to invite her into the band, and so it would be very likely to get close to a demo recording fast, maybe some local gigs we can make/get invited to in the near future.

I now started a second project ( but its not a "side" project is just as important ) called Night Of Kupala, wich is some weird animal with goth/doom structures and voices, but jazz and admospheric stuff on the harmonies and melodies, my first band when we try at using at least 3 different vocals and a keyboard so im pretty exited about it and look foward to. 1 song completed and one on plans ( its actually nice considering we are having our second rehearsal ever this thursday ) and plans on gigs could be as soon as 3 or 4 weeks from now.

the Jazz influenced Misanthrope.
I'm in a two piece band called Dissolve where I handle the microphone duties (badly?) :)

We have been planning on recording for ever so long, but nothing seems to happen. We have a huge amount of songs done, but since me and my partner in crime aren't the closest of friends and rarely get together, the recordings suffer delay after delay :cry: We were supposed to have recorded this weekend but since I was drunk Friday through Sunday that plan was spoiled. Extreme drinking on both member's behalf has much to do with our immense ineffectiveness... :lol:

Now the plan is to record our Katatonia, Sentenced, Anathema inspired songs during this week. Let's see how that goes :lol:

To conclude: we have bunch of songs done; we have a website awaiting to be launched after the recordings finally take place and we have some interested labels already....

Remember the name: DISSOLVE
I don't know if you can really call it a band, seeing as it has only ever been just me, but I group my stuff under the labell of 'Doomed to Solitude'.

Very progressive doom. Think Opeth crossed with In The Woods..., with a sizeable My Dying Bride influence. I'm attempting to do something a little different, it comes across very much as a stream-of-conciousness type thing. You know how doom bands do that thing, where they come up with a short melodic riff, and repeat that many times? Well, I work off the principal of never playing something the same way twice, so if say I play a riff 6 times, by the 6th time it is very different from the 1st time, but still connected. Very much a classical type development, but taken to the absolute extreme. Not sure it works, but I like it.
I play drums in a Grind/Punk/metal/ band called G.U.N. which stands for Give Up Now:heh: . We have played two shows are about to be finished with our demo. Our songs are short with epic sounding metal bridges bringing together some "in your face" grind.:headbang:


that's me Sir Plug-a-lot

We recently recorded our new CD 'Nemesis' which is available from us. Check out our official website:

Official DesolatioN Dominion

We recorded that with Irrumator of Anaal-Nathrakh.

We are scheduled to play:
The Black Metal Fest June 22nd @ The Market Tavern Bradford
The Black Metal Fest 2 (tbc) @ London (poss underworld)
Pigfest 2 sometime in June @ somewhere in Stoke-on Trent

and all kinds of other dates that won't be confirmed until 15 minutes before we go onstage coz that's what metal is like!

Also see the mp3 link in my signature for free tunes.

I hope to have 'Nemesis' available to buy from the UM Store in the near future. Watch this space!

I play guitars BTW.
Originally posted by BillowOfZeal
I play drums in a Grind/Punk/metal/ band called G.U.N. which stands for Give Up Now:heh: . We have played two shows are about to be finished with our demo. Our songs are short with epic sounding metal bridges bringing together some "in your face" grind.:headbang:

Ninja Scroll avatars are the greatest man!

Nice one.

Hey Mark what happened to that Princess Mononoke one you had. Dammit I want that one now!
Originally posted by Oyo
Any MP3's Misanthrope?

Just Koldun Ones but im not proud of them. They are quite bad in the cuality of audio deparment ( the clean parts actually sound like overdrive parts, this is how bad the tape was AFTER strong digital editing ) and Night of Kupala...where not yet we havent even had 1 rehearsal with the full alignment yet. But i indeed do look foward to it, ill let you now.