your best Anthrax moment

Wow....great question...
It would have to be the first time I met the band. ---Fade to story---
Imagine if you will....walking into that little venue you just love, remembering all the great and not so great shows you've seen there, all the memories, every inch of that place just BREATHING music and life...knowing you are going to see the band you would kill for. Making your way up to the front of the stage you feel your excitement grow and you can hardly believe the concert is about to start. The lights are bright and people all around you are expressing their own enthusiasm.
The screams explode and resound throughout the building. The noise is so sudden your ears begin to ring, but you're screaming too.
you feel the bass vibrate your body and as inconceivable as it is, the screams get louder. One by one the band members step on stage. The crowd is pushing, squashing you against the railing but you don't care. You can't take your eyes off the stage. You try to breathe some air but all you get is music...filling your eyes, mouth, ears. It doesn't matter, it's all you want. You're sweating and yelling and singing so much that your throat starts to go raw, but the adrenaline is pumping so hard you don't notice. You stand there, mesmerized by the performance before you. After the last encore, you stumble out of the arena...drunk on disbelief....but it doesn't end there. You mill around with the few other stragglers that didn't flee as soon as the lights came back on. Then it happens. you look over and you don't believe you your luck. The band is standing RIGHT THERE. Your knees go out for a second but you manage to find your balance so you can attempt an approach. you walk quickly, sure that your eyes are fixed in a demented stare. You try to compose yourself so you don't come off as a psycho, or a idiot. As you draw near, the band looks up at you, one by one, shakes your hand, gives you a hug, asks if you liked the show, and did you have a good time. You are, bit by bit, being guided out of your fog of enchantment, then, oddly, you almost just step out of it and realize with suprise that these same people that can make you feel like you are walking in a dreamland, are suddenly making you feel like you went to high school with them. Like you could walk into your apartment one day, and the'd be hanging out with your roomate.
THAT, ladies and gentlemen, was my defining Anthrax moment.
lespaulbass666 said:
I guess I'd have to say it was seeing them @ Northern Lights in NY. My girlfriend got me tix. for my birthday. we drove over 4 hrs to see the show. I hadn't seen them live since the POT tour.

Having not seen them since POT is a crime.:OMG:
a few?? 1st time I heard Among the Living on a crummy cassetteplayer while we were bootlegging computergames, fastest shit I ever heard!!! This album could get my mum from friendly to crazy in 1 song!!!!
- Trax and PE performing live with the whole S1W posse!!
- Mighty Dutchy takin over Bush his mic in Amsterdam during Bring Da Noize!!!!!!!(Bello eat youre heart out , you can't rap!!!:)
- giving Scott a yankee-shirt with the text"caught rhymin and stealin"
Has to be one of two things. Buying Among the Living for a start. Got it the same day I bought Master of Puppets, and Anthrax certainly won that battle.

The other has to be seeing them in Dublin and Belfast this year. Two shows in two nights. Both nights hanging off the barrier and screaming every word of every song. I was hoarse for a week and thought I had fucked my voice up. Was absolutely dripping with sweat both nights. Catching Charlie's encore stick in Dublin, and seeing John nod in our direction during the encores at Belfast as we screamed for Madhouse before ripping into the song. Made it feel like it was just for us. Awesome. Gigs I will remember for the rest of my life, and every time we see them, they get better. Complete opposite of Metallica.

Low points. State of Euphoria. Major dissapointment. Joey B leaving. Dan Spitz leaving. Frankie B leaving. But each time they bounce back better than ever.

Lowest point. State of Euphoria tour when some wanker was spitting at the band. Happened in Bangor, Omagh AND Dublin, and each night the band walked off stage never to return. It was 9 long years before they returned to Dublin and 15 even longer years before they returned to Northern Ireland.
6000 mile round trip to see Anthrax at HOB Chicago. Or when ATL was realeased.

Hopefuly the next time they play CHitown it will be a cheaper trip for me, if not it will be money well spent.