Your Christmas Haul

CDs - My Arms, Your Hearse....YAY YAY YAY!!!!!
- Baaba Maal - ( a cool african guitarist with drums and shit!)

Book on Vikings from my brother and sister in law.
Clothes - T- shirt. - Jumper and an awesome orange shirt.
A book - Guide to Tolkien.
My stocking had assorted goodies..

Aww shit,,,i almost seriously forgot....i got a new classical guitar.
It has quite a nicec mellow tone. Might change the strings though.
Hmmm....i think thats all....cant remember.
Oh a couple of comics and a RUBBER DUCKY!!!???? off a friend.???

I gave with my sisters - ......welll.....actually i cant remember.
Oh yeah....i bought my sister some cool ear-rings....and the other got a cool novel. etc
Originally posted by Blackspirit

What kind of instrument?!??
This sounds interesting! :eek:)
If you don't know it's name
please describe it! :eek:)

Here are pics of the back and front of this thing. She said she got it in the Czeq Republic. Any help with identifying this item would be appreciated.



The craftsmanship is beautiful, don't you think?
Originally posted by Analog_Kid

Here are pics of the back and front of this thing. She said she got it in the Czeq Republic. Any help with identifying this item would be appreciated.

The craftsmanship is beautiful, don't you think?

Whoa!! It looks beautiful!!!!
I really like the back of it!

Do you know how to play it? :eek:)

I'll have a little look around,
to see if I can identify it :eek:)
Things I got...

PLaystation 2
Ibanez RG470
Some cool ass 3 string accoustic guitar looking thingy.
Final Fantasy X
Dragon Warrior 7
Wizardry 8
Rock Discipline w/ John Petrucci
1 Ham dinner

Things I gave...

This reply, aint you lucky
i got some shoes, a gift certificate to the book store, a scrapbook for some pictures, some cool pajamas....nothing too ecxiting...
i think one of the best things is my brother is letting me baby sit his keyboard! i think itll be fun to play around on.
and my parents will buy me a new acoustic when i find one i want. mine is dying.

my cat got more presents than i did :p lol she deserved em though-
goddamn i cant get that url link shit to work

That cat is pampered! :lol:

Analog_Kid, I hadn't heard of that Strato DVD...Any good? also, my dad heard me listening to some of your tracks on, and, as an acoustic player for 30+ years, requested that when I purchase one (and rest assured, I WILL-eventually!) that I get a second for him!
Originally posted by Analog_Kid

Here are pics of the back and front of this thing. She said she got it in the Czeq Republic. Any help with identifying this item would be appreciated.

It's a Ukalali (sp?)
Well, I got some cd's, another dog (I love dogs), money (b€st gift anyon€ can giv€ m€), lots of underwear and candies, Jean Paul Gaultier's - Le Male perfume (it rocks), a sattelite CAM, some DVD's and some other useless stuff unworth mentioning...
Originally posted by Sadistik

Analog_Kid, I hadn't heard of that Strato DVD...Any good? also, my dad heard me listening to some of your tracks on, and, as an acoustic player for 30+ years, requested that when I purchase one (and rest assured, I WILL-eventually!) that I get a second for him!

First off, the Stratovarious DVD is actually just 2 hours of Camcorder footage the band shot during a year of touring. It's funny as hell but is low quality. The disc also has all their music videos on it.

As far as your and your Dad's comments on my music, that just brings tears to my eyes! I'm so glad that my music can appeal to a wide range of listeners and musicians! That comment is the best present I've gotten this Christmas season! Thank you!
Evisceratrix: you have the most beautiful cat, and I'm sure she deserves all the spoiling she gets

Analog Kid: that looks like a smaller and more elaborately decorated version of an Arabic instrument I learned about called an 'inzad'
Originally posted byHuman Life
Things I got...
PLaystation 2
Ibanez RG470
Some cool ass 3 string accoustic guitar looking thingy.
Final Fantasy X
Dragon Warrior 7
Wizardry 8
Rock Discipline w/ John Petrucci
1 Ham dinner

you got ps2 and you got wizardry 8 for pc. are you gonna get wizardry: tales of the forsaken land on ps2?? just wondering

ok what i got:
a dvd player
a new stereo (even though i didnt even need one really)
a splash and a china (small too)
and a cell phone
I suppose I should have said what I got too...

lots of cat related things (hmm, I wonder why?)
coffee-related kitchen gadgets
Moonspell and Rapture CDs
CD walkman
(and lots of other little things)

I gave lots of presents, but some here's a summary:
wine glasses
"you got ps2 and you got wizardry 8 for pc. are you gonna get wizardry: tales of the forsaken land on ps2?? just wondering"

Eventually I suppose, WizGold set me back 6 months and I wanna go through 8 first as well as my other games.
Things i got:
lots of clothes!! (sweet clothes, too - that i actually LIKE!!) :D
lots of apartment stuff (for when i actually get an apartment
stuff for my car
no cd's - my family refuses to support my metal habit! haha!!
a big fuzzy fluffy super-soft teddy bear from my boyfriend,.. i decided to call him Cloud.. for a couple obvious reasons :) (i'm soooo girly)!

My favourite present that i gave:
i spent WEEKS making my boyfriend a big fleece quilt blanket. it's sooooo warm, so now whenever i go over to his place i curl up under the blanket and fall asleep... haha... maybe it wasn't such a great gift after all!!!:zzz:
i got some €, amorphis: am universum and katatonia: last fair deal gone down, clothing stuff, a gyrotwister (dunno if anyone knows these things, but they rock!), loads of sweets, cool water shower gel, uhm can't remember more at the moment.

i gave away a nice fountain pen (that's what the translation program said..?), loads of books, two cds not worth to mention (it was already discriminating for me to buy them)... and so on